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View Full Version : Can't install any software on my Axim X30

06-23-2005, 01:09 AM
Hi there! I Just got my new Dell Axim X30, I tripped and dropped my last one, got a new one within a day :)!!!

Now I only have a problem, I can't install any software on my new Axim. Whenever I run an executeable on my pc I see about 2 screens with a users license, so that's just clicking 'Next >>'. Then I get to see another screen in a flash, no longer than a second. With some programs another screen will appear after the short one saying the program has been installed. But when I check my Pocket PC nothing happened!

Has anyone got an idea of how to get this fixed?

Greetings Ruud Welten

Don't Panic!
06-23-2005, 05:23 PM
Do you have ActiveSync installed on your PC and a partnership created with your X30?

Once this is done you should see the Activesync Add/Remove Programs applet after the initial PC setup screens. It will ask you if you want to install to the default location.


06-24-2005, 12:39 AM
I found the problem! My Installed version of ActiveSync was corrupt, I couldn't open the ActiveSybc window or even uninstall it. So I just removed all files in the Program Files\ActiveSync folder and reinstalled the newest version. And now it works again!

Thanks for the answer ;)

Greetz Ruud