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View Full Version : "Safe Mode" conflicts with "Dynamo"

06-10-2005, 04:05 PM
I discovered the task switcher Dynamo had ceased to work on my device (it showed a blank screen, nothing else), and spent an hour trying to work out why. It turns out to be the new "Safe Mode" programme.

Both are equally useful to me but I've chosen Dynamo over Safe Mode.

Specifics: Ipaq 1935

Plenty of free memory

Both programmes in the main memory

Safe Mode version - er, it's been updated again. The one before 0.6.

Dynamo version (whichever is currently available, it has not been updated)

Hope this saves someone some trouble if they have the same problem. Disintall Safe Mode and soft reset.


Patrick Y.
06-12-2005, 02:41 AM
Yeah, I happen to have the same problem too. Thanks for posting your experience. I never know what caused the problem until I read your thread. Though, I decided to keep SafeMode because I always have lots of problems with programs. Also, Wisbar Advance easily replace Dynamo.

06-12-2005, 10:28 AM
If you check back at the Monocube site, the author has just fixed that bug so now it doesn't conflict with Dynamo anymore.

Steven Cedrone
06-12-2005, 12:50 PM
The author is also keeping an eye on this thread:


So you may want to post problems there!

06-13-2005, 06:54 PM
actually, yes, you should download the latest version of SafeMode. I've tested it with the latest Dynamo trial and found no problems (previous versions of SafeMode did indeed conflict with it).