06-07-2005, 03:17 PM
ppc can through sychronized data line or wireless network card call on pc's
disk and play its movie.
1 you should setup a service software. What I use the operating system‘s
release is win2000 advancedserver which bundle with iis server that is necessery.
2 then you make the catalogue of web's issuance pointed at movie's catalogue of HD.and then opening the URL you have set is OK.
<example> the movies you have compressed is saved E:\\movie,then open property of web site of iss or pws and set your server ip for instance i set ip is Afterward set local Path is E:\\movie in page of home directory. Finally selected directory borwsing is all right.
<play test> Activesync your ppc and then open media player's URL.Choose URL you have set just now.
OK you are able to enjoy your movie with ease.
Do you want to try?[/code]
disk and play its movie.
1 you should setup a service software. What I use the operating system‘s
release is win2000 advancedserver which bundle with iis server that is necessery.
2 then you make the catalogue of web's issuance pointed at movie's catalogue of HD.and then opening the URL you have set is OK.
<example> the movies you have compressed is saved E:\\movie,then open property of web site of iss or pws and set your server ip for instance i set ip is Afterward set local Path is E:\\movie in page of home directory. Finally selected directory borwsing is all right.
<play test> Activesync your ppc and then open media player's URL.Choose URL you have set just now.
OK you are able to enjoy your movie with ease.
Do you want to try?[/code]