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View Full Version : Nokia Unveils Web-Pad Device

Jason Dunn
05-25-2005, 05:25 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7977737/' target='_blank'>http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/7977737/</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Nokia Corp. is straying from its core cellular business with its first non-phone mobile device, a handheld Internet tablet for accessing the Web around the home over a wireless broadband connection....Priced at $350, the Internet Tablet is being positioned as an alternative to buying an extra personal computer or laptop for different rooms, providing a cheaper, quicker and less-cumbersome way to connect to the Web...The new device, weighing half a pound, is three-quarters of an inch thick, 5.6 inches wide, and 3.1 inches deep. The touch-screen display is 4.1 inches long measured diagonally."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/01_770_internet_tablet_lowres-thumb.jpg" /> <br /><span>Photo from <a href="http://www.mobiletracker.net/archives/2005/05/25/nokia-770-linux-tablet">MobileTracker</a></span><br /><br />Believe it or not, this is something I might buy - though I'm not convinced that a 4.1 inch screen is big enough. There's no mention of screen resolution, but I'm betting that given the price point and screen size, it won't be a VGA screen, which makes it of dubious use. When my wife and I are relaxing in front of the TV, I often bring my laptop upstairs to do research - I regularly consult <a href="http://www.imdb.com">IMDB</a> to look up details on an actor or actress that we saw in a movie or TV show. I've often thought it would be useful to have a small Tablet PC-like device just for that room, but the costs of current Tablet PCs make that a frivolous desire. Devices like this have been on the market before, and failed, although this one is smaller and less expensive than previous versions. And if it's subsidized at retail, it just might be a success on price point alone. <a href="http://www.businessweek.com/technology/content/may2005/tc20050525_7369_tc119.htm">Here's another article</a> with further details.<br /><br />I have this grand theory about the cost of semiconductors and LCD screens needing to hit a ridiculous price point before we see the proliferation of multiple connected devices in a home, but I'll save that for another day. ;-)

05-25-2005, 05:34 PM
There's no mention of screen resolution, but I'm betting that given the price point and screen size, it won't be a VGA screen, which makes it of dubious use.

The screen is stated as 800x480 on the Nokia site 8O

I think this kind of device could take off if Nokia can get enough phone users to buy one for use with their Bluetooth phone to drive down the price.

I'm looking for this type of device for use at home over WiFi as the browser on my X50v is not good enough to browse comfortably...

Jason Dunn
05-25-2005, 05:47 PM
The screen is stated as 800x480 on the Nokia site 8O

Oh. Wow! That's quite impressive, and would make it quite usable for Web access. Hmm. Now it's on my wishlist again. :mrgreen: I feel kind of dirty wanting a Nokia product though. :oops:

05-25-2005, 05:54 PM
I didn't see a picture of it when clicking through the links. I didn't read any of the stories completely so I may have missed a link to a picture.

I did see a picture of it here http://www.mobiletracker.net/archives/2005/05/25/nokia-770-linux-tablet

05-25-2005, 05:54 PM
This device, especially at $350 sounds great. I use my PPC for the obvious PIM uses but also for internet surfing, a lot of internet surfing, the latter is always at home using wi-fi. From this report and picture http://jkontherun.blogs.com/jkontherun/ it also offers RSS capabilities. $350 8O I can't wait !!!

Felix Torres
05-25-2005, 06:05 PM
The hardware is interesting but it has some seriously questionable "features". Expansion is via RS-MMC of all things.

The software suite is pure ABM which means it won't play well with PCs or Windows Media sites.

I suppose the LINUX crowd might make something out of it, but it kinda seems half-baked, as shipped. Coupled with VOIP software or a bundle of useful stuff it might add up to something someday, but like most LINUX products, it looks more like a roll-your-own toolkit than a real information appliance, which is what a webpad should be.

And, nice screen aside, the estimated price of $350-400 is pretty close to the Dell 50v.

I suspect that, by the time it actually hits the streets in the fall, it'll be a lot like the Zaurus PDAs; a yawner for all but the LINUXen.

Still, I like what it says about Nokia, that they're actually shipping this. :devilboy:

05-25-2005, 06:11 PM
Excellent device, it was this or an OQO for me Mums new web/email compy.

I think I'll get her this instead, it's much more cheap, and it's a namebrand ;)

tx for infos

05-25-2005, 06:15 PM
If the device isn't intended to be pocketed, why not bump it up a bit higher than 4.1". This wouldn't be very noticably bigger than my PPC screen, which I consider a bit too small for long session web surfing, yet the right size for the pocket.

When [my] wife and I are relaxing in front of the TV, ... I regularly consult IMDB (http://www.imdb.com) to look up details on an actor or actress that we saw in a movie or TV show.
Please tell us you're joking !!!

Jason Dunn
05-25-2005, 06:26 PM
If the device isn't intended to be pocketed, why not bump it up a bit higher than 4.1".

Likely cost - the bigger the screen, the more expensive the device, especially since it's 800 x 400, which is a surprisingly high resolution for a 4.1" screen.

When [my] wife and I are relaxing in front of the TV, ... I regularly consult IMDB (http://www.imdb.com) to look up details on an actor or actress that we saw in a movie or TV show.
Please tell us you're joking !!!

No, I'm not joking, why? What's wrong with that? :?

Bruno Figueiredo
05-25-2005, 06:35 PM
Well, Jason, I back you up here. I do the same thing but with the IMDB TomeRaider database on my PocketPC.

05-25-2005, 06:35 PM
Since its not a cellular device, then cellular carriers wont be carrying it (or maybe not), but I would think if it were paired as a deal, say, with Cingular and a phone like the N6230, this would be a real nice comgo for road use. Sure its not a replacement, but it sure beats lugging around something 4 pounds and unpocketable.

I dont get why this thing slides up though - does this sleeve serve a purpose?

05-25-2005, 06:47 PM
Usually devices like this, if its too big to fit in my pocket, I never see the need for them since I could just as usually use a laptop for the same purpose...but this one has a nice price point, so I can see this being useful for a lot of people.

05-25-2005, 06:54 PM
Seriously though, 4.1" screen is too small. My 4700 already has a 4" screen and it is really to small to surf at native 640x480 without pumping up the font size.

05-25-2005, 07:13 PM
I love it!! At £200 I would buy one in an instant!

Where's the win ce version of this device at this price point?


05-25-2005, 07:15 PM
Is'nt this just an up to date version of the webpads we we got a few years back like the Siemens Simpad SL4 etc.

I got one of those from ebay for £170 and its a 8" screen with 800x600 !

05-25-2005, 07:22 PM
I'll stick with my TabletPC for home web browsing :D

05-25-2005, 08:13 PM
If it has a really decent Web browser (read: not a PIE-class one, not even a NetFront), then, I want it too :)

05-25-2005, 08:47 PM
I regularly consult IMDB (http://www.imdb.com) to look up details on an actor or actress that we saw in a movie or TV show. I've often thought it would be useful to have a small Tablet PC-like device just for that room.

Wouldn't a PPC with WiFi suit you just fine for this task?

05-25-2005, 11:10 PM
When [my] wife and I are relaxing in front of the TV, ... I regularly consult IMDB (http://www.imdb.com) to look up details on an actor or actress that we saw in a movie or TV show.
Please tell us you're joking !!!

No, I'm not joking, why? What's wrong with that? :?

I have full appreciation for the geekiness of it.
It was the personal relationship part of it that I was reacting to (read: my wife wouldn't tolerate that for long).

05-26-2005, 12:29 AM
One important question I really want to know is will it be able to display multilingual in all of them, even shipping in different country? especially webpage/RSS! If not... it's useless for me....

Darius Wey
05-26-2005, 03:32 AM
I had my eye on this earlier in the day. If it ran Windows Mobile, I'd bag it up in an instant. Besides, is it me or is it somewhat-nonpocketable?

05-26-2005, 04:45 AM
Gosh that reminds me of my old Audrey, just a lot cooler. I've always loved this concept, its too bad it didn't take a better hold years ago. Hopefully this time the world will be ready for such a cool idea (and hopefully the device is up to snuff).

Darius Wey
05-26-2005, 09:55 AM
Besides, is it me or is it somewhat-nonpocketable?

Hmm, I take that back. (http://www.mobileburn.com/gallery.jsp?Id=1381) It isn't that big after all.

05-26-2005, 10:51 AM
I'm looking forward to Mobil Direct 3D, so I won't buy a device that doesn't run Windows Mobil 5.0 and doesn't have a GPU...

Darius Wey
05-26-2005, 11:00 AM
I'm looking forward to Mobil Direct 3D, so I won't buy a device that doesn't run Windows Mobil 5.0 and doesn't have a GPU...

Got your eye set on the X50v then? ;)

05-26-2005, 12:34 PM
Looks like they have Opera in there as the browser, which should work nicely.

Maybe I'll have to give this one some thought myself, mainly because all the Pocket PC browsers suck so hard that a vacuum forms in my living room whenever I want to access the www...

Scott R
05-26-2005, 01:46 PM
Am I really the first one here to see this as true competition to Pocket PCs and Palm OS devices? The size is a bit largish, but still just as pocketable as some of the larger PPCs that we've seen over the years. All it needs is for someone to create some PIM apps and you're all set. Open development tools, impressive featureset (only ARM CPU speed unknown). I'm not a fan of the stylus-focused design of a landscape device (one of the issues I have with my Zodiac) and why no gaming buttons on the right (perhaps the CPU isn't quite up to the task)? Give it a clamshell design and thumbboard, though, and I'd be a happy man.

Jonathon Watkins
05-27-2005, 01:11 AM
Gosh that reminds me of my old Audrey, just a lot cooler.

I sat in the next cubicle along from the Audrey developers when I worked at 3Com. A sad day when 3Com killed it. :|

Where indeed is our PPC/WinCE version of this kind of device?

Jason Dunn
05-27-2005, 06:14 PM
Wouldn't a PPC with WiFi suit you just fine for this task?

Nope. Pocket PCs screens are too small, the resolution too low, and the browser too crippled to truly consume ALL of the Web without hassles. I love my Pocket PC for browsing mobile sites, but find it very frustrating browsing on full sites a lot of the time. This Nokia device has a better resolution, although the screen is still a bit too small IMO. The other reason why I wouldn't use a Pocket PC in this instance is that I want to leave the device in the TV room. I couldn't do that with my Pocket PC. :D

Jason Dunn
05-27-2005, 06:15 PM
I have full appreciation for the geekiness of it. It was the personal relationship part of it that I was reacting to (read: my wife wouldn't tolerate that for long).

Well then, all I'll say is that I'm a lucky man to have the wife that I do. ;-)

05-27-2005, 09:41 PM
Seriously though, 4.1" screen is too small. My 4700 already has a 4" screen and it is really to small to surf at native 640x480 without pumping up the font size.

Yes, I concur! VGA on a 4" screen, anything with higher dot pitch is beyond the point of diminishing returns.

The next trend in handheld devices should be stretching the screen to the very edge of the PDA. My iPAQ would easily accomodate a 5" screen if they did that - and then a higher resolution would be warranted (by 25%, since it would be 25% larger).

05-27-2005, 10:18 PM
Wouldn't a PPC with WiFi suit you just fine for this task?

Nope. Pocket PCs screens are too small, the resolution too low, and the browser too crippled to truly consume ALL of the Web without hassles. I love my Pocket PC for browsing mobile sites, but find it very frustrating browsing on full sites a lot of the time. This Nokia device has a better resolution, although the screen is still a bit too small IMO. The other reason why I wouldn't use a Pocket PC in this instance is that I want to leave the device in the TV room. I couldn't do that with my Pocket PC. :D

Sure you could. Put a Pocket PC in your TV room, and leave it there. How's that different than putting this in your TV room and leaving it there.

That said, I agree about surfing on a PocketPC hindered by the screen resolution and size. This size is hardly better, but those extra 160 pixels on the right should make webpage formating a lot easier - even if the dot pitch is beyond the point of diminishing returns.

That brings up a point about tight dot pitch screens - that also translates into small fonts. In most webpages this can be adjusted, but in many many cases you're stuck with an impossibly tiny too-small-to-read font when viewed on a screen like this.

Jason Dunn
05-27-2005, 10:55 PM
Sure you could. Put a Pocket PC in your TV room, and leave it there. How's that different than putting this in your TV room and leaving it there.

Did you miss the price point of this device? ;-) It's basically half the price of a VGA Pocket PC. If I was rich I'd have a Pocket PC in every room, trust me. ;-)

05-28-2005, 04:53 AM
Sure you could. Put a Pocket PC in your TV room, and leave it there. How's that different than putting this in your TV room and leaving it there.

Did you miss the price point of this device? ;-) It's basically half the price of a VGA Pocket PC. If I was rich I'd have a Pocket PC in every room, trust me. ;-)

Good point. So would I! :D