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View Full Version : Replacement Screen for IPAQ 2210?

05-25-2005, 12:08 AM
I have an IPAQ 2210, and the touch screen recently stopped working. It also looks like it has some lines on it that appear as if the screen was shattered, although one doesn't feel any such surface change on the outside of the screen, it looks like something internal. I don't know what caused this, as I have not dropped the IPAQ recently.

Are there any outfits that can repair the touch screen? (Which probably means, put in a new one? How much do they charge for this? (If it costs almost as much as buying a new one, that's not really worth it.) Reliability? Can anyone recommend a company who did this for them?

I see another post here from someone who says not to buy a screen from a particular company. Can a user buy a screen and install it themself? Are they user-installable?

On a different note, the Hitachi 4GB Microdrive I had in the unit also stopped working, about the same time. (Strange, it would seem that the unit probably had some serious trauma, for the screen and drive to go bad at the same time, with the screen looking shattered. But I cannot recall anything traumatic that has happened to it lately.) The drive does not only not work in the IPAQ anymore, it will not work in a memory card slot on a computer--no drive shows up with that card inserted, although it worked fine before. Does that happen frequently with those microdrives, that they go bad? Any way to fix them? Is it safer to use flash memory cards?

Mark Kenepp
05-25-2005, 01:29 AM
Pocket PC Techs (http://www.pocketpctechs.com/) will repair/replace (http://www.pocketpctechs.com/detail.asp?Product_ID=I22-LCD01) the screen. I have never used them myself but if you look through these forums, they are highly thought of by a number of members.

They also do touchscreen repair only but it is sounding like you need the entire screen repaired.

05-25-2005, 03:14 AM
I have an IPAQ 2210, and the touch screen recently stopped working. It also looks like it has some lines on it that appear as if the screen was shattered, although one doesn't feel any such surface change on the outside of the screen, it looks like something internal. I don't know what caused this, as I have not dropped the IPAQ recently.

Are there any outfits that can repair the touch screen?

What does the screen look like? Can you post a picture?

We have both repairs available.

05-29-2005, 05:09 PM
I have an IPAQ 2210, and the touch screen recently stopped working. It also looks like it has some lines on it that appear as if the screen was shattered, although one doesn't feel any such surface change on the outside of the screen, it looks like something internal. I don't know what caused this, as I have not dropped the IPAQ recently.

Are there any outfits that can repair the touch screen?

What does the screen look like? Can you post a picture?

We have both repairs available.

OK. I managed to take a picture of the IPAQ screen. I'll see if I can figure out how to have it seen at the bottom of this message.

What can you tell from it? Which repair do I need?

It's weird, since I don't know how this happened, that the screen could look shattered like that. The screen feels normal to the finger, smooth, not like something broken or shattered. But the touch screen doesn't work any more.

Also, anyone know what could have happened to my Microdrive? Do those often go bad? Any way to revive them?

Thank you for your help.

image of my IPAQ screen below:


05-31-2005, 11:50 PM
OK. I managed to take a picture of the IPAQ screen. I'll see if I can figure out how to have it seen at the bottom of this message.

What can you tell from it? Which repair do I need?

image of my IPAQ screen below:


You need the touchscreen replacement:
