05-21-2005, 12:48 AM
SO i caught the blip of an article over at Wired about Illinois trying to ban the sale of violent video games. There's always been something that bothers me about the way this issue has been handled, and I've only just now figured out what it was. I'm sure others have already made it this point, but I just did so bear with me.
The current debate hitting the gaming industry seems to hinge on whether violent/mature themes should be in games, and seems to blame the game manufacturers for the content they create making it into the hands of children.
The other day I'm walking through Target, and at the video game display I'm watching a girl (prolly about 10 or so) wide eyed playing something at the PS2 booth. I'm expecting Simpsons Hit and Run or something like that, and as I walk past I see she's playing God of War (totally wide eyed right). I approach one of the "managers" at Target, and I pretty much get "hey its just a game right?".
Isn't this the disconnect? We sell game consoles to kids by displaying the goriest games we can, but we all know that people would freak out if Best Buy sold Plasma TV's by showing rated R (NC-17?) movies on them ("wont someone think of the children"). Video games now routinely have the production budgets of (not to mention the sophistication and make the profits of) Studio Movies. Thats big money. The movie industry was able to self monitor itself, and distribution channels are held responsible for the sales they make. The Video game industry applies similar ratings and is left holding hot potato when kids get their adult-themed games.
Sorry to rant, but I finally put my finger on why this has always bothered me (aside from the obvious first amendment thing of course). Just kills me how much money Game resellers make, and they aren't being made responsible for the sales they make.
Just kinda put my finger on it like I said. Couldn't think of a better place to go this off topic...
The current debate hitting the gaming industry seems to hinge on whether violent/mature themes should be in games, and seems to blame the game manufacturers for the content they create making it into the hands of children.
The other day I'm walking through Target, and at the video game display I'm watching a girl (prolly about 10 or so) wide eyed playing something at the PS2 booth. I'm expecting Simpsons Hit and Run or something like that, and as I walk past I see she's playing God of War (totally wide eyed right). I approach one of the "managers" at Target, and I pretty much get "hey its just a game right?".
Isn't this the disconnect? We sell game consoles to kids by displaying the goriest games we can, but we all know that people would freak out if Best Buy sold Plasma TV's by showing rated R (NC-17?) movies on them ("wont someone think of the children"). Video games now routinely have the production budgets of (not to mention the sophistication and make the profits of) Studio Movies. Thats big money. The movie industry was able to self monitor itself, and distribution channels are held responsible for the sales they make. The Video game industry applies similar ratings and is left holding hot potato when kids get their adult-themed games.
Sorry to rant, but I finally put my finger on why this has always bothered me (aside from the obvious first amendment thing of course). Just kills me how much money Game resellers make, and they aren't being made responsible for the sales they make.
Just kinda put my finger on it like I said. Couldn't think of a better place to go this off topic...