05-17-2005, 04:22 AM
I have a user who has the old xda I ppcpe who now has the hp6315 and is looking for the best way to upgrade the data (only pim) the only problem is he doest want to sync with his computer. In part b/c he uses a mac and has had really bad experiences with dup data and corrupted entries. So with that I think it would be easy to just beam most of the data over (files, tasks, notes, and contacts) but with the calendar I can't seem to be able to do a select all on the entries and they will only beam one at a time. Do you know of a way that I can beam the entire calendar? Or beam the caledar db? O another way I am hesiant to do a restore on the new device with his sd card from the old b/c of the differences in os. Any help would be appriciated.