05-05-2005, 12:59 AM
Goal: Reply To Thread at PocketPC Thoughts and say thanks!
Hey, that was easy. Now that I can track my goals I was able to get right on this by exporting a task to Outlooks Tasks.
{SIGH} Now this means I need to refine my life and establish goals. I guess that's my first real goal, to set Goals.
Okay, enough of being horridly cheesy to decent folk.
Thanks a bunch! The product is pretty cool. The Calendar/Task Integration along with some of the other features make this a "Life's Tool" that is useable.
Well back to work I go. Anybody here good at reading binary streams in C#? If so PM me. I'm stuck on a hump and dying. :cry:
Hey, that was easy. Now that I can track my goals I was able to get right on this by exporting a task to Outlooks Tasks.
{SIGH} Now this means I need to refine my life and establish goals. I guess that's my first real goal, to set Goals.
Okay, enough of being horridly cheesy to decent folk.
Thanks a bunch! The product is pretty cool. The Calendar/Task Integration along with some of the other features make this a "Life's Tool" that is useable.
Well back to work I go. Anybody here good at reading binary streams in C#? If so PM me. I'm stuck on a hump and dying. :cry: