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View Full Version : Got my Jornada 575

04-29-2005, 05:16 AM
Just received my new Jornada 575 yesterday. First impressions: the screen is a lot brighter than my Jornada 567. There's no problem reading it in direct sunlight. It doesn't have a built-in file store - I suspect that's because it's a demo model. Too bad - I really miss it.

The major difference - and I mean REALLY major - is that the SD/MMC card now works perfectly. Remember how with the 560 series you would always have read/write errors? No such problem with the 575, even though the hardware is the same. The difference is simply due to an updated driver. It's not as fast as a CF card, but I've installed about 75 applications to it so far without any problems, including Mobile Conversay.

Anyway, I'm installing all my applications onto a 512 MB SD card. I'll put documents only onto a CF card, and otherwise leave the CF slot open for a camera, GPS, VGA card, bluetooth, and WiFi card.

Does anyone have any idea how to extract the drivers from my ROM? it would be sdmmc.dll and sdmgr.dll. I've just noticed an extra registry key under the HKLM/Hardware/ACCMAP/2 key. I'm going to export it and import it into my Jornada 567 to see if it improves things. Maybe that's all it takes.

Oh, yeah, I updated the ROM to EUU4 without difficulty. It's nice to have Windows Media 8.5 instead of v8.

Best $60 I've ever spent.

04-29-2005, 06:34 AM
Here's the additional registry info for the updated drivers. Unfortunately, adding this to my Jornada 567's registry made no difference in the way the SD/MMC slot is handled.
This is the first time I've seen the sdmmc.dll file mentioned in the registry. Looks like the missing link. The file date for the original HP MMC drivers is 11/12/01, while the date for the Jornada 575 drivers is 4/4/02. The file sizes are slightly different: 8k for the original sdmgr.dll vs for 6k for the newer one, and 23k for the originala sdmmc.dll driver vs 21k for the updated one. Now just how do I extract the files? Anyone?

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


04-29-2005, 04:21 PM
i'm a faithful user of the 568 but if there was an opportunity, sure would like to upgrade to 400mhz. I'm not so sure about the screen though, its supposed to be the exact same jornada except with a new motherboard and a new casing. my guess is your old jornada's screen is pretty used and has dimmed...anyway, congrats on buying a gem!
where did you buy it and how much did you pay?

04-29-2005, 05:51 PM
I had my screen replaced on my old unit with a brand new one just a few months ago. I had seen less than favorable reviews about the display, but I think it's great - much better than I expected. I'd say it's about twice as bright as my 567. There's a lot of changes in hardware I suspect, much more than we were led to believe.

Viewing the registry, for example, I suspect that there's at least some SDIO capability. There's an entry under Hardware/Accmap for a serial device as well as the sdmmc driver. That's probably why once I managed to copy the new sdmgr.dll and sdmmc.dll to my Jornada 567 my storage card was no longer recognized.

I picked up the 575 on Ebay for about $60 new. There's another for auction right now with a starting bid of $89. It's listed under accessories rather than handheld units, however, making it a little hard to find.

05-10-2005, 01:32 AM
Wow... it's great that there are still units of 575 floating around 3 years after the line was discontinued, the 575 never to emerge from the merge that brought HP down the drain from day one.

The screen is transflective like all modern Pocket PC's and would have been the first PPC to feature such a screen way back in 2002, along with the 400mhz xscale CPU. The Jornadas were always ahead of the rest of other PPCs as far as features, appearance and reliability went. It amazes me how even now the screen and keyboard flip covers from the Jornada never caught on with other manufacturers.

If only HP hadn't killed it... imagine where the Jornada would be today! :twisted:

05-10-2005, 03:39 PM
Wow... it's great that there are still units of 575 floating around 3 years after the line was discontinued, the 575 never to emerge from the merge that brought HP down the drain from day one.

The screen is transflective like all modern Pocket PC's and would have been the first PPC to feature such a screen way back in 2002, along with the 400mhz xscale CPU. The Jornadas were always ahead of the rest of other PPCs as far as features, appearance and reliability went. It amazes me how even now the screen and keyboard flip covers from the Jornada never caught on with other manufacturers.

If only HP hadn't killed it... imagine where the Jornada would be today! :twisted:

can't agree more! :-)