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View Full Version : new Axim X50v next month?

04-27-2005, 02:26 PM
I heard a rumor that there be a new Axim X50v next month with built in harddrive. Any truth to that? Also that x3 will be cancelled next month...

Sven Johannsen
04-27-2005, 04:39 PM
There's a rumor to that effect over at aximsite. Didn't recall a time frame that near though.

Let us close our eyes and go to a happy place. Imagine if you will, that WM2005 is released to market and Dell immediately announces the upgrade program. The details are that any X50 purchased (not manufactured) after the release announcement is qualified for a free upgrade. All previously purchased X50's can be upgraded by purchasing the upgrade CD for $25 and they are immediately available. A serial number keyed upgrade can be downloaded while you await your CD. The production line is now producing X50s with the new OS and these units should be in the pipeline within a month. New Dell units are announced, one with a GSM/GPRS capability, and one with optional 20, 40, and 80G hard drives. A unique feature of the hard drive is that there is an on/off switch allowing it to be shut off if not actively needing to use the drive. Oh and the RAM has been bumped to 128M. Price? Dell's usual competative pricing.

Hold that thought for a while, take a deep breath, open your eyes and slowly come back to reality.

04-27-2005, 05:25 PM
I heard a rumor that there be a new Axim X50v next month with built in harddrive. Any truth to that? Also that x3 will be cancelled next month...

There most certainly won't be a new X50v with a built-in hard drive next month. There are rumors that Dell will introduce a new model later this year (think October) that has a built in hard drive, but at the moment, it's all unconfirmed rumors. To the best of my knowledge, the rumor's original source is a post on Aximsite from late 2004, someone claiming to have seen a copy of Dell's roadmap for handhelds. Eventually, Brighthand heard about this and ran with it. Not what I would call the most reliable sources.

04-27-2005, 05:38 PM
Oh well, like I though just a rumor. but there is a WM2005 coming out this year?

04-27-2005, 05:53 PM
Yes. Possibly as early as the second week of May, but we're not really sure. There has been a leaked beta and screenshots, though.

04-29-2005, 08:59 AM
I've got an X50v. No hard drive though. Is there a new one with hard drive ? Think I'd still forget it. Hard drives always seem to expire soon after I give them a few knocks :)