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View Full Version : Communicating through IR between desktop hyperterminal and pocket pc

04-27-2005, 09:54 AM
In our project we are dealing with data transmission between PC and PPC through IR.
We are using an external IR device attached to the desktop through COM port(COM1) and in the other
end we have pocket pc with the built-in IR. The idea is that we are trying to send/receive data between
pocket pc and desktop hyperterminal through IR. The problem that we face is that one side data transfer works fine
i.e I am able to send data from my pocket pc to the desktop hyperterminal but on the other hand while
trying to receive data from the desktop hyperterminal nothing happens no data is transmitted.

We tried the following programming options to send/receive through IR,

1) COMM control in eVB

2) .NET IR socket library

In both the case, we are able send data from PPC IR and not able receive data from the desktop computer through hyperterminal with IR device attached.

Is any other way to achive.

Sven Johannsen
04-27-2005, 04:23 PM
I'd go get a trial copy of vxHPC at www.cam.com and see if you can get that to talk. It's about as close to Hyperterminal for the PPC as you can get. I know it is not what you are ultimately after, but it should prove whether it is possible.