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View Full Version : Boxwave's Active Case for the XDA II Mini

Darius Wey
04-27-2005, 03:00 PM
<i>"Design meets form and function. The crystal-clear Active Case enables you to view your calendar and contacts conveniently, reducing the hassle of having to open a case!"</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/wey-20050427-Boxwave.gif" /><br /><br />Boxwave have just announced the Active Case for the XDA II Mini (or HTC Magician, i-mate JAM, QTek S100 and the T-Mobile MDA Compact). At a web special of $25.95, this clear case includes a detachable belt clip. Its solid build should appeal to many of you, so if you're interested, click <a href="http://www.boxwave.com/products/activecase/active-case-o2-xda-ii-mini_535.htm">here</a> to pay Boxwave a visit. <!><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/wey-20050427-JAMBatt.jpg" /><br /><br />In other news, the::unwired have just reported on the availability of 1,550mAh and 2,000mAh Li-Ion batteries for the i-mate JAM. If you're a juice guzzler and have been looking around for a decent extended battery, it may be worth checking these out. Visit <a href="http://www.theunwired.net/?itemid=2332">the::unwired</a> for more information.

04-27-2005, 04:17 PM
If you consider purchasing ANY Boxwave product other than its screen protectors, look very carefully at the length of its warranty. In my experience and that of others here who have posted in the forums, Boxwave's products last no longer than the warranty term before failing, and the warranty terms are often quite short.

Stephen Beesley
04-27-2005, 07:06 PM
I cannot really comment on the quality of Boxwaves products generally but ihave been using one of there VersaChargers for about 6 months now and have no complaints.

As for the Activecase one thing I would point out is that like most (if not all) of BoxWave's products this seems to be a "badge engineered" version of an OEM product. You can find the same thing for sale on ebay for considerably less even with Shipping from HK. In fact I just purchased one for my (yet to arrive) Axim X50v and am dying to try it out I particularly like that the Screen Cover flips through 360 degrees to rest against the back of the device. This is one thing I have really missed since my Newton days.

04-28-2005, 05:41 AM
This is almost exactly what I have been waiting for. I find my silicone cover turns my pockets inside out and collects too much dust so I have been waiting for a clear plastic case. However, since I already have a screen protector on it, I would ideally like something like that with a cutout where the screen is so I don't have to keep opening it up etc, I find I rarely ever just glance at the screen without whipping out the stylus for one reason or another :)
