Jon Westfall
04-27-2005, 12:21 AM
A long time ago, I opened an AOL account. Once I "graduated" into full geek status, the account was closed and I left my AOL days behind. Recently however, my job consulting for a web hosting business required me to have an AOL test account handy for those times when AOL doesn't like to play nice with outside mail servers. Since I only use the account when I'm working bugs out (once every few months) and only pay for the Bring-Your-Own-Access plan (Which is a resonable expense per month to save me the hassle of having to re-open an AOL account 3 or 4 times a year), my AOL account sits dormant most of the time. I haven't even installed the software since my last wipe-reinstall phase last august, and only login in to clear out the email box from all the SPAM it gets once in a blue moon.
So my question is, are there any features on AOL that a veteran like me would enjoy using? I have no pride about these sorts of things, and while being an AOL'er might not be all that cool, I'm secure in my geekhood that I may be uncool if some certain features were worth it.
So is there anything good out there? Anything PPC related? Anything besides annoying teenagers & soccer moms?
So my question is, are there any features on AOL that a veteran like me would enjoy using? I have no pride about these sorts of things, and while being an AOL'er might not be all that cool, I'm secure in my geekhood that I may be uncool if some certain features were worth it.
So is there anything good out there? Anything PPC related? Anything besides annoying teenagers & soccer moms?