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View Full Version : Good Bluetooth Headphones???

04-17-2005, 06:42 AM
Hey guys, I have an iPAQ hx4705 and I'm really looking forward to utilizing it's bluetooth capability by purchasing a bluetooth headphone to listen to music on my PDA. I remember reading a thread about some guy which bought a bluetooth headphone that has a remote control feature that actually works... But I can't remember where I read that. Thanks!!!!

04-17-2005, 04:49 PM
I think you will find that the selection is still quite limited.
I am very happy with my HP headphones but you will find comments to the contrary if you search here or Brighthand.
There is another version that has wires but that seems pointless to me.

04-17-2005, 08:49 PM
HP Bluetooth headphones work pretty well and since you have an iPAQ getting them would work for you. I have them and i give them an 9 stars out of 10. But this is really the first generation of bluetooth headphones, so there should be much better to come. So yeah, I'd suggest the hp phones...

04-17-2005, 11:12 PM
The only two sets of BT headphones avalible are really the HP/Toshiba ones and the Bluetake ones. Personally i'm waiting on the iCombi headphones, they look pretty nice, should be out early May..