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View Full Version : Old Palm died, How do I transfer data ???

04-15-2005, 09:39 AM
Hi All,

My mother-in-law has been happily using a Palm since 1999 (Palm III ??) but it literally died the other day, may it RIP it certainly served her well. Anyway to cut a long story short, is there any way at all to transfer her old data (saved on PC) to the new x50 i just bought her ? e.g. contacts, tasks and hopefully diary (or whatever palm calls it !) . I have searched the forums and can only find references to doing this where the Palm device still works....
As an aside, she has been using Handyshopper for palm but I cannot work out how to get the PPC alpha version to recognise the Palm database even though I'm sure there must be a way....

TIA for ANY suggestions !!! :)

Sven Johannsen
04-15-2005, 05:28 PM
It's gonna cost you a little, but it is probably worth it. The usual way of getting Palm data onto a PPC is to use Chapura Pocket Mirror to sync the Palm with Outlook. Chapura makes another product, Pocket Copy, that moves Palm desktop info into Outlook. http://www.chapura.com/pocketcopy.php

Since it is a one time thing, you move it and you are done, there is no trial.

Can't help you on the HandyShopper thing. Tried their tech support?

04-15-2005, 06:21 PM
For the HandyShopper all I did was copy the data file to the same directory that the HandyShopper executable is installed, eg: \Storage Card\HandyShopper. When I ran the program, it recognized it and my list was there.

This worked for me just now (as I hadn't installed HS since I upgraded my iPAQ ROM) using the latest alpha (Alpha #3).

04-16-2005, 08:39 AM
Thanks for the suggestions ! Update for those interested or in the same situation
I looked up the Chapura pocketcopy program- it says "Compatibility with Palm Desktop Software 4.1.2 and higher." I suspect that since my MIL wouldn't know how to update stuff, her desktop software is original vintage 1999 and I'm guessing pre- version 4 ??? I'll contact the developers and find out for sure before spending the $20 (but if it works I'll for sure count myself well ahead :) ). Thank you Sven for the heads up on this !

As for Handy shopper, applejosh -thank you- I tried the suggestion- I hadn't thought of putting file in program's directory but still no joy. Tried creating new database from within handyshopper with same name then copying existing database over this file- no joy. I think there is probably some incompatabilty with...( newer file format ??). I've read through the documentation at the author's website but will re-read in case I missed something.....

So, I am a little further along . - thanks again