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View Full Version : Need a good List app... suggestions?

04-15-2005, 08:14 AM
Hi all, first time posting, long time reader.

I am looking for a good list program to use with my Axim X30. I plan on making to do lists and shopping lists.

I have a fairly consistant diet, and every two weeks or so I buy many of the same foods so I would like to be able to just reload a list and cross them off again.

There is nothing more satisfying than crossing off the final thing on a to do list (well there are plenty things more satisfying, but you know what I mean) so I would like it to be fairly customizable and everything. I did a search for 'list' apps on handango, and i got a little overwhelmed with the choices.

I'm looking for a good GUI and something updated with bug fixes. Also I would love to take advantage of using the app with my desktop.

Thanks! :!:

04-15-2005, 08:19 AM
i picked listpro, but ive seen half a dozen in the last 6 months in the various software threads. hopefully someone can rattle off a more complete list for you to google without too much effort on their part

04-15-2005, 12:36 PM
I'm looking for a good GUI and something updated with bug fixes. Also I would love to take advantage of using the app with my desktop.

There is nothing more stable than Listpro, though I am a bit bias in the fact that I haven't tried anything else. Another wonderful factor for Listpro (http://www.handango.com/PlatformProductDetail.jsp?productType=2&optionId=1_2_2&jid=DCDCC2D3EC3XFXC9DFE1CA5DA4B6F4D2&platformId=2&siteId=1&osId=560&productId=21492&sectionId=0&catalog=30&txtSearch=Listpro&pc=list%5B2%5D_title) is that it gives you a Desktop companion enabling you to create the lists on your PC and sync (via ActiveSync or MobSync) to your PPC.

I highly reccommend it. :D

04-15-2005, 03:51 PM
I like SuperList (http://www.scarybearsoftware.com), it's very easy to use and has a more attractive and customizable user interface (in my opinion :) ) - and it's cheaper than ListPro last time I checked.

Just another idea!

Chefz :wink:


04-15-2005, 04:01 PM
my vote goes to ADB idea library
has a desktop companion and a good list application
plus it is free

04-15-2005, 08:01 PM
Superlist looks great, but it doesn't look like it has a desktop companion. I can't imagine typing out long lists on that virtual keyboard...

I like the look of VO Shopping list, with its ability to tally prices & everything. But it seems to be lacking in the "to-do" list department. I don't want to have two different programs.

What is great about Listpro? Seems like a lot of you use that...

04-16-2005, 01:36 AM
Superlist looks great, but it doesn't look like it has a desktop companion. I can't imagine typing out long lists on that virtual keyboard...

Superlist has the ability to import text files for a list. So what I do, is create my list using NotePad on my desktop pc, transfer the file over to my pocket pc, and then import the list.
