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View Full Version : Just got an e755

04-09-2005, 10:09 PM
I know it's not the most upto date Pocket PC around, already got an orange SPV C500, so thought i'd jump on the pocket PC bandwagon...

Having searched through the forums I cant make my mind up weather or not Pocket PC 2003 SE was released for the varient I have. can anyone answer this question?

Also, what other updates are required for this device to ensure i have a trouble free operation?

I'm particulary interested in using my device for some access DB's I have, however I cant see any pocket pc software to view/add/ stuff into a DB....



04-10-2005, 01:16 AM
I have an e750 and still plenty powerful for my needs I got a year and a half ago and I'm still very happy with the purchase.

2003 SE was never released for our series. There are updates for Reader and Messenger on the MS web site if you plan on using either of those.

I'm not certian but I believe that if you transfer your Access files by ActiveSync they will be opene3d on the PPC by Pocket Excel. I'm not sure what features might be available for editing.

Good Luck!

04-11-2005, 09:11 PM
I'm also a proud Toshiba e755 owner. I bought it second hand on eBay just over 8 months ago now. So far I have been very pleased with its performance.

As gregmills mentionned, there are a few updates available. The MSN Messenger update must be installed to use the program. I can't help you much with DB managing software. Just keep looking around, and eventually it'll pop up somewhere. Every day I find new apps and new ways to use the PocketPC, its really quite amazing.

On another note, I just received my Bellagio leather case today. I'm in love :ppclove: . It's definately the best case out there for the e755. I'll be writing a short review on the case soon and including a few pics as well :)

Cheers !

10-25-2007, 01:57 PM
I'm also a proud Toshiba e755 owner. I bought it second hand on eBay just over 8 months ago now. So far I have been very pleased with its performance.

I have an e755, but I can't successfully connect to the internet with the WiFi. The manager seems to locate signals (albeit rather weakly, it seems to me). Do I need a separate modem or a modem card? What am I missing?