03-24-2005, 07:05 PM
I've been having a recurring problem with my SX66. Every few days my SD card (1gb Kingmax Platinum) seems to die on me. All of my folders on it disappear and are replaced with a "cache" folder. Files in the base level of the card don't seem to be affected but anything stored in a folder seems to be gone forever. The card shows up in explorer as still being full with whatever data was there previously, but the files are no where to be found. The only way to get capacity back seems to be to reformat the card. I don't set any programs to store on the SD card, everything is installed and saves to local memory. I also don't have PIE set up to store the cache on the SD card, that was something I checked first.
Here are some programs I have installed:
Spb Pocket Plus
Sprite Backup
Tweaks 2k2 .NET
I have others but nothing that would use the SD card. This has happened to me a few times and its really starting to bug me. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what might be causing this?
Here are some programs I have installed:
Spb Pocket Plus
Sprite Backup
Tweaks 2k2 .NET
I have others but nothing that would use the SD card. This has happened to me a few times and its really starting to bug me. Can anyone offer any suggestions as to what might be causing this?