03-21-2005, 12:57 AM
Can anyone tell me what to do about this? When I do a soft reset I get this error message after I put my password in and go to the today screen. "Cannot find program files or one of it's components make sure the path and file name are correct and all the required libraries are available". I have checked for program files in my the My Device folder in File Explorer and all of the program files are there. The error message dosen't give any hint as to what it's talking about. The other problem I have recently aquired is an error message that I get when I connect the cable to my desktop or laptop. And it is "Cannot start communications with the desktop computer. The communications port is not available. Another program may be using the port or it may not be valid. Quit any programs that may be useing the port and reconnect.If the problem persists restart your device useing the instructions provided by the manufacturer". I have done the last part of this that is how I found the first part of this post. The port is working with other USB devices, I have a blue tooth adapter that I have been useing to sync with so this is not a compleate disaster but I would still like to get it fixed. The only new software that I have installed is Mobipocket, and I think this started about the same time. I only have the trial version right now but I wanted to purchase the Pro version. Can Mobipocket cause this? I have also checked the ActiveSync settings and they are all O.K.. The ActiveSync connection wizzard can't find the USB port however. Thanks for any help that anyone can give me.