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View Full Version : Symbol CF wifi card

03-05-2005, 06:30 AM
Has anyone tried the Symbol wifi card on a 2210/15 with ROM v1.1?

I have had problems with my DCF660 (see other post) and am looking for another CF wifi card. Ebay has a couple different ones listed - the Linksys & a bunch of Symbols. I particularly like the low profile of the symbol card vs the gaudy linksys, but I have seen lots of good posts on the linksys card.

does anyone have suggestions on cards generally that they know work on the upgraded 2210/15?

any help appreciated!

Vincent M Ferrari
03-05-2005, 07:26 AM
Well, first we should isolate the problem, dontcha think?

I have ROM 1.1 on my 2215. It never worked with my Socket Card and NetGear Router properly. I couldn't turn power management on because if I did, it would just kill the router connection or never get an IP in the first place.

Finally, as a last resort, I re-flashed the Router.

Guess what?

It all works beautifully now.

Just a suggestion because, as I said, it worked for me...

03-05-2005, 07:46 AM
thanx for the reply.
I gather then the Socket card works with v1.1 ROM on the ipaq. see that's my problem... I have a Dlink DCF660w that hasn't worked since i upgraded.
and I have tried it on two different 2215 with the flash. no dice.

It's not that it won't connect to the router etc, but that it won't reconise the card when it is inserted. It comes up "Unrecognized card is Socket 1" or "network card in socket1". the data light flashes for a few moments then dies.

Dlink support couldn't help me, so now I am looking for a new CF card. I even tried downloading different drivers from other companies to see if the chipset was the same on one them to the dlink w/o success (found a suggestion on the Net saying try this).
I liked the socket applications on the PPC though! very slick.

BTW, how much was the socket card? is it the orange one or the newer blue labeled one?
