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Mitch D
02-18-2005, 04:58 AM
Out of all the games I have seen ported over to the PPC one of the one's I would kill for was a old DOS based Star Trek game I used to play when I first got into computers in High School. I don't remember the name of it bit is was based on a grid and you input your coordinates to move around.

I thought it was cool at the time (still do in some ways). So if anyone knows of a version of this game for the PPC let me know.. :!:

02-18-2005, 08:50 AM
Out of all the games I have seen ported over to the PPC one of the one's I would kill for was a old DOS based Star Trek game I used to play when I first got into computers in High School. I don't remember the name of it bit is was based on a grid and you input your coordinates to move around.

I thought it was cool at the time (still do in some ways). So if anyone knows of a version of this game for the PPC let me know.. :!:

Which of these is the game you're looking for?


02-18-2005, 03:24 PM
Actually heres a longer list of the dos games -


02-22-2005, 07:49 PM
Once you find the game, just get PocketDOS, and you should be able to play it without any problems.

I'm doing that with an old game called Snipes that I loved as a kid.
Good Luck!

02-22-2005, 08:29 PM
I was just posting the same thing on my own forum only yesterday -but I played Main Frame Star Trek (http://www.dunnington.u-net.com/public/startrek/) on the DEC PDP 1170 -if you know what that is then you're old like me! :)

If someone would port the DOS version to the Pocket PC with some spruced up graphics it would definitely sell!!! 8)

02-22-2005, 08:36 PM
Here is the Windows 98 version:


Screen shot:


Web based version of the main frame game:


Mitch D
02-23-2005, 01:42 AM
I was just posting the same thing on my own forum only yesterday -but I played Main Frame Star Trek (http://www.dunnington.u-net.com/public/startrek/) on the DEC PDP 1170 -if you know what that is then you're old like me! :)

If someone would port the DOS version to the Pocket PC with some spruced up graphics it would definitely sell!!! 8)

LOL...Actually I do remember that game!! :wink:

02-23-2005, 07:52 AM
It was VERY addictive!