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View Full Version : Using VNC instead of MS Remote Display - Possible?

02-17-2005, 03:20 AM
Hello folks, as their are now a couple of VNC servers (Pocket VNC Server (http://www.pocketvnc.com/pocketVNC.aspx) and PocketVNCServ (http://www.fb2i.net/article.php3?id_article=1))out there for the PPC I was wondering if anyone has successfully been able to use a VNC viewer such as Real VNC (http://www.realvnc.com/) or Ultra VNC (http://ultravnc.sourceforge.net/) on their desktop to remotely control their PPC via a USB ActiveSync connection.

So far my main problem seems to be that the desktop can't even pimg the server never mind connect to it using the or addresses that are assigned to activesync and the PPC respectively.

Anyone else tried this with greater success?


02-17-2005, 06:26 AM
The easisest thing to do in this case is to use a network card of some sort. Does your Pocket PC have WiFi or Bluetooth?

02-17-2005, 08:28 PM
Its an IPAQ H2210 so it has Bluetooth although I don't have a dongle for my PC, hence I was wondering about via the USB connection.

02-17-2005, 09:06 PM
You may be able to get away with it if go into network settings on your desktop and assign multiple static IPs, one of which uses the 192.168.55.x subnet. iirc it can't be done otherwise due to subnetting issues.

It's also possible it can't be done at all due to ActiveSync limitations.

02-17-2005, 11:22 PM
Well tried with the loopback adaptor on the same subnet and it was still a blackhole for pings so I suspect that its not possible. Unless I am missing something.
