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View Full Version : my rz3417 can't run program after soft boot automatically

02-13-2005, 01:24 PM
I want to run Wisbar after soft boot automatically, but I had no luck when I set it up per the setting in wisbar, the systerm tell the program or the path is incorrect. this is not happened only in Wisbar. I had tried other software, I got the same thing... any help for me ?

Thanks & Regards,

Darius Wey
02-13-2005, 02:00 PM
Have you got it installed to the main memory or the storage card? Today screen plugins/enhancements should be installed to main memory since the storage card isn't initialised until after the device starts up, which is why you may be getting the error where it says the path is incorrect (since it can't find it).

02-13-2005, 02:20 PM
Hi Darius Wey,
Thank you for your respond, yes, it was installed to the storage card. is it no way to set a program to starts up when it was stalled to storage card?.
