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View Full Version : Home server based synchonisation

02-12-2005, 01:30 AM
Hi all

Looking for a bit of advice here. I have a home network 2 workstations, server, Tablet PC and Pocket PCs. I would really like for Outlook to be synch'd on all the machines.

At present the server is running Linux and just acting as a file share. I was wondering if it would be possible to synchonise the workstations/tablet/PocketPCs with a calendar app on the Linux server.

If it isn't I have a Windows 2000 server evaluation pack with 120 day trials of 2000 server, Exchange etc and I could use these, obviously ever 120 days there would be the hassle of reinstalling etc, unless I can find some way of storing accounts etc that would survive a rebuild. Added to the dubious legal nature of the practice.

It would be nice to have a 2003/Exchange systems but 2003 is approx £500 on it's own.

Any advice gladly accepted


02-12-2005, 01:53 AM
If it isn't I have a Windows 2000 server evaluation pack with 120 day trials of 2000 server, Exchange etc and I could use these, obviously ever 120 days there would be the hassle of reinstalling etc, unless I can find some way of storing accounts etc that would survive a rebuild. Added to the dubious legal nature of the practice.
:lol:...I tried the same thing. When Windows Server 2003 was released, Microsoft was giving away 120-day trials free, and free shipping. So I ordered 5 packs (the max ;)). Then later I picked up some Exchange Server freebie trials, many of which included a copy of WinServer2003. lol...my catchphrase on this is I have enough copies of Windows Server 2003 to last until Longhorn.

(yeah, I'm not too sure on the legality of reinstalling either...:|). Actually though, I got tired of reinstalling, and wasn't using enough of the features, so I decided to install Linux a few weeks ago. (note, me=total linux newbie atm ;))...so that's been interesting.

Anyway, to address your question, I don't know of any real way to sync Outlook without Exchange, but maybe there's an open source Linux program for it. Really not sure.

Jon Westfall
02-12-2005, 06:22 AM
For LInux, you may want to look into OpenGroupware (http://www.opengroupware.org). I'm not sure if you'll find it sync ups with Pocket PCs all that well, but it may be worth a shot. Looks like with the help of plugins it may work with Outlook.