View Full Version : The Must-Have Feature
Jon Westfall
02-08-2005, 02:25 PM
About 6 months ago, I realized that any Pocket PC I purchased in the future had to have a GSM / GPRS component. I had become so addicted to the lure of always accessible email and easy connection to the internet, that when using my iPaq 5550 (which had everything else except GSM), I longed for more. Since then I gave up the luxurious memory and speed of the 5550 just for the GSM / GPRS capabilities of the 6315. I really didn't gain anything else, and as some would argue, I lost more than I gained.<br /><br />This made me wonder for some time, with all the neat new features available to us now (VGA, decent cameras, attached keyboards) and features that are not new but still nifty (WiFi, BT, Slim Profiles), what is the one feature that you couldn't live without on your present unit, and those you'll purchase in the future?
02-08-2005, 02:46 PM
Having to choose just one must have feature is tough. I opted for WiFi because it's really the only feature that I can't live without. It enables me to check e-mail and surf the Internet without having to be tethered to my PC. Sure, I can do the same thing with Bluetooth and my cell phone, but it's frustratingly slow. Day in and day out, WiFi is the most valuable feature of my iPAQ.
02-08-2005, 02:51 PM
A single "must have" feature is really meaningless (no offence). For me it is the combination of features that make the Pocket PC a "must have". For instance my previous PPC was an iPaq 3870 which was the best around at that time, but what I really wanted was the combination of a GPRS phone. I found this with the wireless expansion sleeve. Apart from the fact that I had to soft reset frequently and its large size it was a brilliant package and satisfied all my needs.
Last October the time came to replace my iPaq. I looked around and all the reviews were pointing to the iPaq 4700 but it had no built in GPRS. In the end I had to work around the problem and bought a seperate Nokia phone. Together they give me everything that I want both for work and for leisure. It's not perfect but it gives me what I want. :oops:
02-08-2005, 02:52 PM
I voted for slim profile. After all, if its too big to carry around with me comfortably then its of no use to me.
02-08-2005, 02:58 PM
I voted VGA with the reasoning that the current and near-future crop of PDAs with a VGA screen would be high-end devices and would more than likely have most of my other desired features.
I think, though, that the most important next development (as lets face it, all of the above are current, existing, well-developed technologies) will be high-capacity batteries, a la fuel cells or somesuch.
Without serious battery capacity in small enough form to fit easily in a handheld device none of the above features can be combined without compromise. More power, more features - simple as that.
02-08-2005, 03:02 PM
A VGA screen is the main must-have. Everything else can be added in some other way e.g. wifi through SD wifi card, GSM through bluetooth, as well as GPS and keyboards etc. Even memory can be upgraded at a (steep) price. Adding a VGA screen is near impossible and cost-prohibitive.
I agree though that this question is near senseless. Even the most important "must have" feature can be negated by senseless negatives such as small batteries, slow processors, cosmetic appearance and leaving out simple features for no clear reason (example Mpx and hp6315).
Its a pity recently that pocketpc's have not been showing clear progression (especially under HP) where every generation has all the features of the previous generation plus something which makes it clearly better. At least HTC with their PPC-Phones knows how to satisfy a power user.
02-08-2005, 03:06 PM
At least HTC with their PPC-Phones knows how to satisfy a power user. Surur
You got that right which is why I will be looking at them when it comes time to replace my H5455 iPAQ. HP always seems to sell their high-end device users short by charging a premium price for a device that always seems to have one (or more) major shortcoming.
02-08-2005, 03:11 PM
Impossible poll. There are several items on that list that are required for me to even consider a handheld, so it is impossible to pick any one that that would be worse than the others.
02-08-2005, 03:21 PM
Voted for VGA. Because it's the only reason I changed from the 2215 for the X50v.
Without the vga I would of completely skipped this round of devices.
Even GSM/GPRS can be added either with a BT phone or a CF Card (I use both). But VGA isn't possible to add and it kicks a.
The only reason I got rid of my 2215 was for the VGA. But the CF is the one feature I've found that I can't deal without. Notice the 5450 in my past PDAs? That only lasted 1.5 months. I just had to have the CF slot. The expansion pack on the 5450 just made the PDA unmanagebly huge.
Now having embedded WiFi with the CF...that just rocks. Now I don't have to worry about not having my CF with me to watch a movie. I just keep it installed.
Sven Johannsen
02-08-2005, 03:30 PM
At this point it seems I am the sole 'other' vote, though not the only one with the sentiment. There isn't a single item on the list that is a deal maker or breaker. It is a combination of features that I need/want. It isn't a specific set either. There are assorted combos that are suitable. Sufficient memory and I don't need the dual slots. With BT the GSM/GPRS isn't as important. WiFi is nice but has spotty utility where I live. The camera would be a detriment to me. It's a package thing.
02-08-2005, 03:40 PM
I agree with the other posters that it's a combination of features rather than one. If you said "pick 3" I would have had an easier time.
I place several on an equal footing.
02-08-2005, 03:45 PM
Gee, why isn't my precious navpoint device on the list :D
I think VGA is important in all my future devices - my 4700 has it and I like it alot, but then I couldn't live without wifi, but that is only a channel and not a feature.
02-08-2005, 03:50 PM
I also voted for VGA screen. I don't have one now, but I intend to get a VGA device as soon as WM 2005 comes out. Until then, I am sticking with my 2215.
By the way.....what exactly is GSM / GPRS?? Is having GSM / GPRS the same as having a built-in phone?
02-08-2005, 03:53 PM
I voted other...
Battery Life is the single most important item... No power = no memory, no CPU, no VGA, no GPRS, no bluetooth, etc.
Now in the grand scheme of things, there is addons like extended batteries or sleeves, but then you have weight or form factor issues.
I want it all, like all of us, but if I can only have it all for 45 minutes between recharges, it is a waste of time and money
Like many of you,I just upgraded to a X50v for the screen, and perhaps for the just awesome coolness of the device, from my 5455. I have looked at the little battery in the device and thought, how hard would it have been to re-engineer it, widen it, thicken it a little to accomodate a second internal live battery (or a larger primary)
02-08-2005, 04:00 PM
The 6315 is a serious downgrade. It's the ugliest PPCPE on the planet. HTC created the ultimate form factor with the original XDA from T-Mobile. I'm still in love with that device. If they revamped the processor added wifi and BT then I'd definitely buy that baby again. When I held my XDA to my ear it looked and felt like a phone. With the 6315 I feel like I'm holding a brick to my ear. I feel ridiculous.
There are certaing requirements that must and should be implemented in all PPC/PE. No excuses or exceptions. FAST PROCESSORS there is really no excuse for anything below 300mhtz. At least 128MB of Flash memory.
I would have added BT but the reality is that BT is initself still developing. It is highly unreliable. If the specifications aren't right how do they expect the manufacturers implementing the technology to get it to work right.
VGA is inevitable so I'm not worried about that.
02-08-2005, 04:01 PM
Oddly enough, I really enjoy the consumer grade IR and Nevo on my 3970. Sure I miss out on VGA, but I just love this glorified remote control. Oh yeah, plus the ability to use my silver slider II, pcmcia sleeve (wifi), BT, and all of my accessories from my 3600 days. Oh well, call me crazy. :wink:
Jonathon Watkins
02-08-2005, 04:06 PM
Voted for VGA. Because it's the only reason I changed from the 2215 for the X50v.
Without the vga I would of completely skipped this round of devices.
Same here. VGA all the way. It *really* makes the difference!
02-08-2005, 04:10 PM
I wasn't able to pick just one must-have element for my next handheld. A handheld is only truly functional with the right combination of capabilities.
Therefore, my list of "must-haves" would have to include a built-in keyboard, a fast processor, l "large" amount of memory (preferably in the form of a 1" hard drive), and WiFi & Bluetooth.
I would also like to add one item to my wish list: A landscape format screen with a clamshell device design. I once owned a Psion Series 5 device. It was WAY ahead of it's time in 1998. The way the keyboard (very thin, by the way) slid up and out of the body of the device toward the user as the screen was opened was beautiful. Unfortunately, too many of the functions still needed stylus input, which made the keyboard somewhat less useful, but it had better Word and Excel compatibility then than the PPC has now. I would love to see similar to the old HP Jornada clamshells with a slimmer profile and all the fucntionality of WM 2005 when it comes out. Until then, I'll be keeping my iPAQ 4355. It has everything in my list above except for the "large" memory (I maxed out the built-in 64 MB the first week I owned it) and the clamshell design.
02-08-2005, 04:10 PM
I could not pick just one feature. Once I have been to a place where the grass is greener, l cannot go back.
My SX66 has WiFi , lots of RAM , Blutooth, And GSM/GPRS, And l use them all every day. I cannot pick just one, so I voted "Other". 0X
02-08-2005, 04:11 PM
I agree, there is no one feature, but I voted for WiFi because I currently lack it and am feeling the pain of not being wireless at home or work. Sure GSM would replace that, but not at the rates they charge. I would pay for unlimited data for $10, but I don't see that happening any time soon with At&t/Cingular. In fact, may I be so bold as to request data be no extra cost to my cell bill. I believe it will have to be in order to really compete with WiFi. I think that enough manufacturers have gotten the point and included at least a few of these listed items in standard models.
02-08-2005, 04:13 PM
Judging from a lot of the posts, there should have been an option in the poll for "I want it all!" I know I do. In fact, I'm still searching for that single "it" device. :wink:
02-08-2005, 04:14 PM
I voted OTHER because of the dearth of Thumbwheels on all current models sold in the USA (that also have WiFi, CF and SD). If my next PDA does not have one I shall have to figure out a way to read e-books with just one hand.
02-08-2005, 04:18 PM
There are certaing requirements that must and should be implemented in all PPC/PE. No excuses or exceptions. FAST PROCESSORS there is really no excuse for anything below 300mhtz.
That fast processor you want in your PE device will suck down your battery so fast you'll cry. That's why you have the Ti OMAP.
That's why I, and others, have tagged new higher capacity battery technology as the key to future development. If you could cram a 10000 mAh battery into your PDA, you could have it processor, bundles of RAM, microdrives, VGA screen, hardware acceleration, Bluetooth, wifi, GPS, the lot.
02-08-2005, 04:21 PM
Or just buy a lot of rechargeable replacement batteries. I have five batteries for my 5455 iPAQ. That's enough juice to keep me going for a seven day backpacking trip.
Jonathon Watkins
02-08-2005, 04:24 PM
I would also like to add one item to my wish list: A landscape format screen with a clamshell device design.
Welcome Macattack. You make a very good point. I would love to have a clammy again! :wink:
I once owned a Psion Series 5 device. It was WAY ahead of it's time in 1998. The way the keyboard (very thin, by the way) slid up and out of the body of the device toward the user as the screen was opened was beautiful.
A wonderfull device indeed. :cry: I miss it. Bring on the new PPC form factors and let them be at least as good! (A tall order). :?
Jonathon Watkins
02-08-2005, 04:26 PM
Or just buy a lot of rechargeable replacement batteries. I have five batteries for my 5455 iPAQ. That's enough juice to keep me going for a seven day backpacking trip.
8O Impressive, most impressive. :werenotworthy:
Still no real sign of breakthroughs in battery technology. Sigh..... :|
02-08-2005, 04:41 PM
I have to agree with all the comments stating there isn't any one feature that is must have. It's a combination of features. I prefer built-in GSM/GPRS, but if it has bluetooth, I can use a bluetooth phone for near same experience. VGA is very nice, but in it's current implementation, not must have, and other features, memory, connectivity, etc. can make up for the lack of it.
I have to say the previously reported XDA IV seems to have EVERYTHING I'd hope for in a handheld device. Let's hope it makes it way to US shores in reasonable quantities.....
I had to vote "Other" because the future of PPC hasn't been addressed. In the next generation PPC I hope to see them starting to replace the desktop PC completely. In the future I want to dock my PPC to a base station that has, say, a 17" (or larger) display integrated into it along with I/O ports. Like the way laptops dock. I want a system that eliminates the desktop PC for users who don't want to be their own XP System Administrators. I want a simple CE solution that is portable and expansive.
Jason Lee
02-08-2005, 05:34 PM
I voted for lots of memory just because most new devices still only have 64 mb of ram. Finally having 128 is a dream come true.
But i agree with others. Most of these are must have features. My sx66 comes sooooo close to being the perfedt device. If it had a CF slot and VGA it would be perfect! I have lots of CF devices and memory so dropping my 2215 for the sx66 was a hard choice. I would have to say it was worth it for the memory alone though. :D
I had never owned a PPC PE before and may not be able to go back to two devices, so that my be my next "must have" feature. ;)
Oh, well. I hope to use my sx66 for some time now.. At least until i can get a US version of the MDA IV. :D
P.S. I'm posting this from my sx66 over wifi in the student union with my stowaway bluetooth keyboard and mouse. :D *GEEK*
02-08-2005, 05:37 PM
Where's the "Windows XP" option? :D :D
02-08-2005, 05:41 PM
I would like a PDA the size of the HP 4150 with 624MHz PXA270, 4” VGA, 128MB SDRAM, 128MB FLASH (ROM), BT, WiFi, and one or two SD slots. I am still using my iPAQ 3650 and refuse to buy a PDA bigger then my 4 ½ year old PDA for VGA. Why do laptops keep getting smaller and PDAs keep getting bigger?
02-08-2005, 05:42 PM
Ijust ordered E830s for me and my wife (shhhh - don't tell her!). Right now they have the features I want at a (relatively) reasonable price.
It is probably easier for me to list what I do not want in a PDA, but \i wanted to address the full list offered.
GSM/GPRS - no. I do not want a phone in my PDA or a PDA in my phone. Work, liesure and personal preference dictate that I often chose to or have to carry one or the other but not both.
WiFi - absolutely. Mostly for home networking. So far my travels have not brought me to a place whare \i have used Wi-Fi away from home.
Bluetooth - not essential, but since I'll have a bluetooth phone soon I know I will use it a lot when I travel.
GPS - I have a CF card. Built in would be nice, but the CF cards are so cheap who cares ..
VGA Screen - Oh YES, I have wanted that from the moment I saw a PPC
Large Amount of Memory - YES
Fast Processor - yes, but must balance with other features
Windows Mobile 2003 SE - don't care ... I buy the best device for me, the OS is usually the most recent when you purchase
Integrated Keyboard - don't care.
CompactFlash Slot or dual slots (CF & SD) - must have dual slots for versatility, especially now I have 'legacy' devices like my CF GPS.
Decent Camera - no thanks.
High-powered battery would be great - something that can take about 40 hours of 'typical' use between charges would be outstanding.
I would love one of those laser keyboards built into the device.
I would love a built-in projection screen or an attachable fold-away screen.
Full Windows XP functionality too
[Yes I do fancy an OQO but they are too puny for the money ...]
02-08-2005, 05:43 PM
I would like a PDA the size of the HP 4150 with 624MHz PXA270, 4” VGA, 128MB SDRAM, 128MB FLASH (ROM), BT, WiFi, and one or two SD slots. I am still using my iPAQ 3650 and refuse to buy a PDA bigger then my 4 ½ year old PDA for VGA. Why do laptops keep getting smaller and PDAs keep getting bigger?
Add an integrated phone and keyboard, and I think you've found the "it" device :D
02-08-2005, 05:51 PM
Couldn't vote for one, but these four qualities seem like the basics to me, and are must-have...
#1) Large Amount of Memory
#2) Fast Processor
#3) Windows Mobile 2003 SE [i.e. most recent OS]
#4) Small size even when inside a case
These features allow me to use the PDA for pretty much any app I want, and carry it around in my pocket. I currently use a Toshiba e405 with 64meg RAM, 32meg internal flash, and a 320x240 screen. It's really nice, but i'm pushing the processor and memory limits a bit. I can't imagine using one with less capacity. Everything else is fluff or bonus for me. I just want it to work :)
If I had to pick a runner-up important feature, I'd have to say
#5) VGA screen, even if it's small in size.
I suspect that adopting VGA may be almost as revolutionary as when I went from lo-res no-color Palm to a wonderful 320x320 color screen!
02-08-2005, 06:01 PM
wifi & bluetooth. On the same device. That's the think Palm can't seem to figure out.
No excuse not to have either. For those who say bluetooth could be mitigated by having gsm/gprs, I say don't you like using a bluetooth headset with your phone? It's critical for me....
02-08-2005, 06:03 PM
Your list left out CDMA 1X
02-08-2005, 06:53 PM
About a year ago, I was talking to a co-worked who's also a Pocket PC fan. He asked when I would be upgrading my aging Dell Axim X5 (400MHz/64MB version). I told him my requirements for my next Pocket PC:
* WiFi and Bluetooth
* 624MHz CPU
* CF and SD
* Removable 6-hour standard battery
When the HP hx4700 came out I felt like I HAD to buy one, since it met every one of those criteria... at least that's what I told my wife. ;)
Seriously, though, those were all the factors that I wanted in my next PPC. I loved my Axim, and my wife still uses it. If I wasn't going to get an upgrade in basically every area, what would be the point?
Interestingly enough, the Axim was my favorite and cheapest Windows CE device (and I have had several, including a 1.0 device). The hx4700, despite the relatively high price tag, blows away my Axim.
Now if we could just get all the software updated for VGA...
Jon Westfall
02-08-2005, 06:58 PM
The 6315 is a serious downgrade. It's the ugliest PPCPE on the planet. HTC created the ultimate form factor with the original XDA from T-Mobile. I'm still in love with that device. If they revamped the processor added wifi and BT then I'd definitely buy that baby again. When I held my XDA to my ear it looked and felt like a phone. With the 6315 I feel like I'm holding a brick to my ear. I feel ridiculous.
There are certaing requirements that must and should be implemented in all PPC/PE. No excuses or exceptions. FAST PROCESSORS there is really no excuse for anything below 300mhtz. At least 128MB of Flash memory.
I would have added BT but the reality is that BT is initself still developing. It is highly unreliable. If the specifications aren't right how do they expect the manufacturers implementing the technology to get it to work right.
VGA is inevitable so I'm not worried about that.
Sometimes I think I'm the only person on the planet who likes the 6315 :)
Peter Traugot
02-08-2005, 06:58 PM
Well, I just upgraded from a Toshiba e550g to an HP 4700. So here I sit with VGA, Fast CPU, dual slots, Wifi, and Bluetooth.
I bought a bluetooth keyboard (for occational typing/surfing)
So really, the only thing I'd like to see in exactly this same unit would be GSM/GPRS. Otherwise, in my curcumstances, this is the difinitive device for me.
My 2215 has most of my wants in it, and in the event it doesn't the CF slot takes care of it, so that was my entry. However, I know my next PHONE (assuming there isn't a decent release from Rogers with PPCPE) will have bluetooth, whatever the cost. I figure that with my 2215 bluetoothing to my cell, I have all the GPRS capability I long for in my 2215, and with my wifi CF card, I'm set.
Jon Westfall
02-08-2005, 07:01 PM
In retrospect, it looks like this thread has shown something that manufacturers haven't gotten yet: Targeting a device toward just one key feature doesn't work, since we're all greedy (myself included) and want it all. Banking a device on its wireless features by diminishing its processor / memory (a la 6315) just turns off more users than dropping one wireless radio and evening the field.
02-08-2005, 07:07 PM
I am determined to keep my H5455 limping along until the MDA IV becomes available in the States. From what I've read about the device, it has everything I'm looking for in a device . . . for now :wink:
02-08-2005, 07:23 PM
I love my 6315. I can never imagine carrying a separate phone and pda. Now if only it had VGA. I can get by without the camera option.
02-08-2005, 08:12 PM
There are certaing requirements that must and should be implemented in all PPC/PE. No excuses or exceptions. FAST PROCESSORS there is really no excuse for anything below 300mhtz.
That fast processor you want in your PE device will suck down your battery so fast you'll cry. That's why you have the Ti OMAP.
That's why I, and others, have tagged new higher capacity battery technology as the key to future development. If you could cram a 10000 mAh battery into your PDA, you could have it processor, bundles of RAM, microdrives, VGA screen, hardware acceleration, Bluetooth, wifi, GPS, the lot.
Trust me. It's all theory. Yeah! speed kills but not if it is managed properly. When I first had my XDA it used to last for about 6hrs on average use. When T-mo released the WM2003 upgrade it lasted for over 18hrs.
You can have all the battery power in the world but if the device and OS don't utilize resources properly, juices tend to run out fast.
I'd sacrifice battery life anytime for speed. I'd rather have my PPCPE wait for me rather than me waiting for it. Which is the case with the 6315 Ipaq.
There's a reason for sync 'n' charge cables and extended batteries.
02-08-2005, 08:25 PM
I picked PROCESSOR SPEED from the list, but I have to agree that battery life is essential to any handheld of phone I've ever owned.
I'm actually surprised to see WiFi leading the vote as it requires your location to be enabled to actually use that function. And, don't get me started on the patch-work quilt of HotSpot systems you have to navigate to make WiFi useful in a truly mobile setting.
Sure, like an early poster, I would rather have the spped of WiFi when I'm using the data connectivity features of my handheld, but, I'd have to put reliable and always available connectivity way above that on a priority list. That's why I think either internal GSM/GPRS or Bluetooth DUN ability is more important that WiFi given the choice.
But, all that said, this is why I have gone to the two-piece system. I get all the best of the best handheld and can pick and choose my phone features independently. Some may laugh at my use of the Nokia N-Gage QD as my phone, but it has a super sensitive antenna, huge battery life and the DUN works. More professional phones left me signalless too often and lacked the battery to get me through the day or even two without a charge.
02-08-2005, 08:38 PM
My HP 6315 Pocket PC phone. Wow, what can I say. It is SO integral to my day to day activities as an I.T. Director that it is hard not to elevate it to the most important thing I own. It is, of course, my phone, my calendar, my task list, my contact list and my note repository. But it’s also my alarm clock, HP 15C RPN calculator (Lygea), GPS (Pharos Bluetooth), MP3 Player (music and text-to-speech), WIFI Locator/Manger (Cirond Pocket WinC), mini DVD player, Seattle real time traffic flow information (Washington State DOT), and last but not least, the destination for my network alert notifications (SMS) and news alerts. Oh and occasionally I use the camera! The convergence of connectivity and function in this one device is remarkably beneficial and very very cool.
02-08-2005, 09:20 PM
So, From what I'm seeing is that everyone needs everything. That, in varying combinations, every item on the list to someone out there is a "must have".
I think a lot of oem's need to look at the devices they sell. An ipaq RZ1700 can easily be replaced by just about any cameraphone out on the market in terms of capabilities (My free sprint phone can do almost everything it can plus take pictures, has better IR range, has a built in radio, and...well...makes phone calls). A Dell X50v is really blurring the gap between laptop replacement/desktop extension and PDA. Hell, I treat my old 3950 like an ultraportable, and have pretty much given up on replacing my old laptop.
Back on topic, I guess my "feature" would be customization. I would like a manufacturer to come out with one PDA shell, and let me decide what I want to put in it. I know that would never happen, especially with the "death to PDA" stories floating around again, but I think that could be a really useful feature.
It would also take the PPC out of the "rolodex/calendar" mindset, and into the "mobile desktop extension" mindset.
02-08-2005, 10:28 PM
Well, keep in mind that more than 65% of the mobile device market (smart phones, feature phones and PDAs) is smart phone. Of the 27.1 million units that sold in 2004, 17.5 million were smart phones AND that number doesn't include BlackBerries, which are excluded from the segment by Canalys for some unknown reason.
Like it or not, the compromised handheld / handset is the future. I say compromised because power and convergence seem to be at odds in the minds of designers. Look at the upcoming HP Mobile Messenger. What bonehead decided to exclude WiFi and include a miniSD slot and buck the trend that makes reasonably priced expansion memory available in large enough segments to be meaningful?
02-08-2005, 10:39 PM
I put "Large amount of memory" but that's only because "Large amount of storage" wasn't even an option.
When I get my next PPC (if I ever get another one), I'll expect WiFi and Bluetooth (which is available on all but the very cheapest PPCs), but my decision will be based on how to optimize storage. Right now, if I just want to use one card, I have the choice between maps and music. I have to compromise one or the other. Of course, I see it that way because I have an SD only x30, and I might feel differently had the x50 been available at the time.
And I'll leave the PPC OS behind entirely if the price of pocket sized *real* PCs come down to $500>.
In the western US, GSM is only useful in the big cities. If I wanted good wireless capabilities, I'd have to have CDMA and use Verizon. And they charge so much for their data services, I'd never go that route, instead using a cell phone as a modem when I need to go online. And I wouldn't be able to buy a PPC with CDMA unless it was offered by Verizon, because they don't let you use any device that doesn't come from them on their network.
I'll bet the situation is a lot more clear, and the choices a lot more free and open in Europe.
Sven Johannsen
02-09-2005, 12:37 AM
What bonehead decided to exclude WiFi and include a miniSD slot?
"The Mobile Messenger has an SD slot supporting SDIO and a mini SD slot"
Works for me. I can use the mini-SD for semi-permananent storage for data and programs, and use the SD slot for transient requirements, whether music, video, or a WiFi card on those rare occasions where there is free WiFi I can actually access. I'm not willing to pay $20 a month to T-Mobile so I can surf at Starbucks now and again, or more to ATT so I can surf at airports now and again. I have hit way to many 'free' hotspots that require accepting a terms of use page that I can't get past with PIE or Netfront, making the free WiFi unusable. I find so little real use for the WiFi that I would have no problem leaving it out and filling the space with more battery, for the stuff that is useful (to me).
If your WiFi coverage is ubiquitous, feel blessed.
02-09-2005, 12:59 AM
What bonehead decided to exclude WiFi and include a miniSD slot?
"The Mobile Messenger has an SD slot supporting SDIO and a mini SD slot"
Works for me. I can use the mini-SD for semi-permananent storage for data and programs, and use the SD slot for transient requirements, whether music, video, or a WiFi card on those rare occasions where there is free WiFi I can actually access. I'm not willing to pay $20 a month to T-Mobile so I can surf at Starbucks now and again, or more to ATT so I can surf at airports now and again. I have hit way to many 'free' hotspots that require accepting a terms of use page that I can't get past with PIE or Netfront, making the free WiFi unusable. I find so little real use for the WiFi that I would have no problem leaving it out and filling the space with more battery, for the stuff that is useful (to me).
If your WiFi coverage is ubiquitous, feel blessed.
My big issue with the miniSD slot is that it's yet another expansion card format that I need to invest in. And, frankly, SD cards are getting so big and so inexpensive that to force me to buy less memory capacity for more money just annoys me.
I too an currently less than enthusiastic about WiFi as the only place I have it is at home and the few free HotSpots I've located locally. Sure, I have it at home, but I have a big honking computer to view web pages and email on there.
02-09-2005, 05:33 PM
Having access to the internet anywhere I am is just to important to me. I am somewhat addicted and therefore chose WiFi.
Max Blanche
02-11-2005, 03:36 PM
At first I've thought GSM/GPRS, but I believe in the near future it'll become a standard feature on half the devices. So I changed my mind and moved to integrated keyboard: after 2 months with the i-mate PDA2K I cannot figure myself writing down the lot of documents I do with a mere stylus.
Regards, Massimo.
02-11-2005, 03:42 PM
My perfect device:
Quad band phone edition with EDGE compatibility
VGA graphics
Integrated keyboard
At least 128 MB RAM for storage
Fast processor
Let me add to the list: An XM radio. Got a MyFi for Christmas and love it, but working the MyFi and my iPAQ at the same time is a little confusing. A converged device would be sweet!
02-11-2005, 07:17 PM
GSM/GPRS - on my view it's future of PDA. Or better CDMA - high speed internet, but expensive one. VGA, WiFi, BT it's all will be include any way. All idea it's to have all-in-one that is make PDA really useful device. Mobility - that is main word for any device, I think.
02-11-2005, 09:57 PM
MEMORY MEMORY MEMORY MEMORY.....none of the pocket PC phones have enough of it..and without it, you can't do much more than talk on the phone
02-12-2005, 12:21 AM
Most of the list can be added to existing devices. The one thing I consider a must have is the one thing none of the OEMs are willing to provide anymore. UPGRADES. This is a horredously sore subject with me, and I've seen every argument and justification in the book for no longer providing upgrades to the apps or OS on PDAs. None of them wash with me. I've seen the lame articles where 'experts' have said we need to stop thinking of PDAs as mini computers. MILARKY. OEMs need to START thinking of them in that manner, and design them with nearly the same upgradability as the desktop counterparts. These days the technology can easily support it. Personally, I can't stand paying $400+ for a PDA (when I can get a good desktop for about the same) and I can't upgrade the darned thing to the next OS....or even the next point upgrade (pronounced "Windows Mobile 2003 SE"). I can buy cards to do nearly all the other junk on the list (many of which I find unnecessary anyway). But nothing I can do will make an OS upgrade available, and the OEMs aren't about to do it anymore.
So, yeah, the must-have feature for me is UPGRADES TO THE OS.
02-12-2005, 02:23 AM
MEMORY MEMORY MEMORY MEMORY.....none of the pocket PC phones have enough of it..and without it, you can't do much more than talk on the phone
Not true. I have PDA2K and it has 128 mb on board memory plus you can buy SD 1 gb it’s more then enough for your needs. And you have always internet connection on your PDA and your cellphone in one pocket.
02-12-2005, 04:07 AM
I agree with most writers who said that there is no single must-have feature. It is a combination of features. However, the question asked for one single must-have feature. One therefore must put the features on a priority list. I therefore voted for GSM/GPRS because the main reason why I buy my PPC-P is that I want to carry only one devise instead of 2 or 3. The single device that I would like to carry must be accessible to me as a phone anywhere in the world and yet function as a PC. GSM/GPRS made this possible.
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