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View Full Version : PocketTV now optimized for 2700G / VGA on Dell x50v

The PocketTV Team
02-07-2005, 05:19 AM
PocketTV Classic (freeware) MPEG movie player is now optimized to take advantage of the Intel 2700G video hardware accelerator present in the Dell Axim x50v.

This means full support for VGA-resolution MPEG files playing at full framerate with optimum image quality.

You can get PocketTV Classic (FREE) from the download section of www.pockettv.com . You need version 1.0.4 or better for 2700G optimization.

Betaplayer too is optimized for the 2700G, but PocketTV Classic is also FREE, so it gives one more choice to the user, and a little friendly competion is always good.

See also this thread on the AximSite forum:

If you try it (FREE download it from www.pockettv.com ), please give us your feedback!


Here is an extract of the release notes ( http://www.pockettv.com/release-notes.html#release-notes ):


Added support for VGA resolution with Dell Axim x50v and other devices with the Intel 2700G video hardware accelerator chip. When this option is available, it is selected by default (see "Options > Use 2700G").

Some VGA-resolution test MPEG files are available from www.pockettv.com/mpg/vga . We ran some benchmarks using the file 5e-640x480-1.7Mbps-v2.mpg in fullscreen (audio disabled), and we get the exact same results as Betaplayer (185%).

Color controls (brightness, contrast, color saturation, hue) can be used with 2700G ("Options > Color > Adjust..."). Generally "Options > Color > Enhanced" will default to optimum values. You can see the adjustments in the image while you make them, and there is no performance penalty in using color adjustments.

PocketTV automatically adjusts the orientation of fullscreen video to match the UI (User Interface) orientation on your device. You can set the UI orientation using "Start > Settings > System > Screen" or by mapping the <Rotate Screen> command on a hardware button using "Start > Settings > Buttons". When the UI is in Portrait orientation, you can select the fullscreen orientation using "Options > Fullscreen" from PocketTV.

PocketTV automatically powers off the 2700G video hardware accelerator chip when the application is Minimized (i.e. de-activated in the background). So you have no risk of draining your battery faster just for having PocketTV sleeping in the background. Note that Betaplayer does not power off the 2700G when it is in the background.

Note that if you also use Betaplayer, you should first Exit Betaplayer (using the Exit command in the menu) before starting PocketTV. That's because Betaplayer does not release the 2700G hardware when it is Minimized. So if you have Betaplayer running in the background (i.e. Minimized and invisible), you need to Stop it completely (Exit) before starting any other application using the 2700G (e.g. PocketTV). On the other hand, PocketTV does release the 2700G hardware when it is Minimized. So it does not prevent you to start Betaplayer. Hopefully the Betaplayer people will correct this problem so that they can co-exist better with other applications using the 2700G.

Dell recommends that you install the latest firmware updrade for the x50v, which should reduce the "tearing" effect (caused by a bug in the 2700G driver). Be sure to make a full backup before installing any firmware upgrade. The Dell Axim x50v firmware upgrade is available from here:

Now JPEG Image capture ("Save Image...") works in all cases, including when Intel 2700G or ATI video accelerators are used. Previously, "Save Image..." was not working when video accelerators (e.g. ATI) were used.

02-07-2005, 10:56 AM
We ran some benchmarks using the file 5e-640x480-1.7Mbps-v2.mpg in fullscreen (audio disabled), and we get the exact same results as Betaplayer (185%).


Note that Betaplayer does not power off the 2700G when it is in the background.


So it does not prevent you to start Betaplayer. Hopefully the Betaplayer people will correct this problem so that they can co-exist better with other applications using the 2700G.

No offense, but these aren't exactly stunning reasons why I should drop BetaPlayer. Choice is great, but the potshots taken at BetaPlayer don't do a whole lot of good for the PR of your product.

The PocketTV Team
02-07-2005, 11:04 AM
> No offense, but these aren't exactly stunning reasons why I should drop BetaPlayer.

Of course not, we don't suggest that you "drop BetaPlayer", but we provide another choice, and also for FREE.

It is also good to be aware of some issues with Betaplayer that can affect your battery life.

> Choice is great, but the potshots taken at BetaPlayer don't do a whole lot of good for the PR of your product.

That was not the intent. The Betaplayer developer is aware of this problem, and he will fix it. In the mean time, you should just know that the 2700G remains powered up when Betaplayer is de-activated, so it's a good idea to Exit it when you don't use it anymore (i.e. don't tap the (x) button, but select EXIT in the menu).

If you don't, you will drain your battery faster.

No one wants you to stop using Betaplayer, but PocketTV can also be used to play MPEG and it works well too and both can co-exist (and are FREE!).

PocketTV has also a number of features that do not exist in Betaplayer, that some people like or want. e.g. http streaming, image capture, color adjustment while seing the image, frame stepping etc. And there are MPEG files that Betaplayer cannot play and that play just well on PocketTV.

Complaining about FREE software is unjustified. We give one more choice to users, and choice and competition is good.