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View Full Version : FS: Dell X3H + Wi-Fi Card + Rhino Case **SOLD**

02-06-2005, 01:48 AM
I have 3 pda's and my wife is making me get rid of one. I purchased my X3 last July and have had a screen proctector on it since day 1. I am very anal about my things, so the unit is in excellent condition. Not a scratch anywhere. The only thing not included is the original 950mAh battery. My ferret stole it 3 months ago, while it was charging, and I still haven't found it.

Here's what I am selling:

* Dell X3 400mhz
* SanDisk Wi-Fi Card
* Mugen 1100mAh Battery
* Memorex 2/128mb & 1/64mb SD Cards
* RhinoSkin Case w/Belt Clip
* Atari Retro SD Game Card
* Plus the all the original accessories (cradle, cables, case, cd, & manual)
* Pictures located at: http://www.geocities.com/nascaredd/x3/

I am asking $150 obo + shipping
You can e-mail me at: [email protected]


Edd Galloway

02-06-2005, 02:13 AM
The only thing not included is the original 950mAh battery. My ferret stole it 3 months ago, while it was charging, and I still haven't found it.

In my experience, good places to look are inside and under the couch, and under the washing machine. At least, that's where my ferrets always stashed their loot. Never heard of a ferret stealing electronics before, though.