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View Full Version : New Today plugin, WIFI scanner TodayWarrior 0.43

02-02-2005, 04:08 PM
Today I've published Todaywarrior 0.43 that have many new features, like:
-Full controll of most WIFI cards, with ON/OFF switching, speed connection indication, (and selection on Prism ones), Network scanning, etc.
-Full control of energy in the PDA with percent of battery, time elapsed and remain of battery power, time remain for full charge, volts, temperature, etc,
-Access to several interesting links, as Soft reset, power off, memory, power, Today, eyc.
-Control of backlight.
-Power off control,

And much more, and FREE. Please see it on:

Jason Dunn
02-02-2005, 05:22 PM
Post moved to Announcements - please keep promotional posts in this forum. Thanks!