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View Full Version : Actovesync Explorer Blank

02-01-2005, 10:03 PM
:Sigh: I hate to ask for help, because, hey, it's activesync, who doesn't have problems with it? However, this one is new to me, and I've searched the forums, googled it, even tried the microsoft knowledge base... and still don't have any clue. I have seen a few messages about the same problem, but no one seemed to have any answers really, not that I found anyway.

The problem: When I go to the file explorer in activesync, the mobile device page that loads is blank. I have the regular toolbars on the top, but the rest is just... empty.

I downloaded 3.8, installed it, still blank. Uninstalled it, reinstalled 3.7.1, restarted my computer, still blank. Played with Zone Alarm, gave every darn access available to activesync, still blank. In the beginning, I was getting an error about "failure to start remote services", but it's gone now. Don't know which one fixed that error (probably ZA), but whatever it was didn't fix the blank file explorer. Also tried removing my cf card, didn't help, explorer was still empty.

Any ideas or suggestions?

02-01-2005, 10:27 PM
Never mind, found the problem and fixed it :)

In Zone Alarm, for some unknown reason, I'd blocked access for Windows Explorer. Gave it trusted and internet access, and my Mobile Device file came back.

02-01-2005, 10:49 PM
Ah, Zone Alarm. I had so much trouble when I installed that. It's a great security program, just a little TOO secure for the forgetful mind.