01-31-2005, 01:50 AM
While awaiting to see whether it was made in Japan, Taiwan, or China, I just received my Lexar card. My research indicated the Japanese manfactured cards were significantly faster and more reliable. Much to my amazment, the card is "Made in USA."
Can anyone comment on the reliability of the cards Made in USA? Pocket Mechanic benchmarks my Made in Japan Kingston 256MB SD card's read speed is .98mb per sec. (pretty good when compared to the listed benchmarks). PM has the Lexar cards as some of the fastest at 1.05 - 1.18mb per sec. but my 1 GB Lexar is disappointingly only averaging .85mb per sec.
Can anyone comment on the reliability of the cards Made in USA? Pocket Mechanic benchmarks my Made in Japan Kingston 256MB SD card's read speed is .98mb per sec. (pretty good when compared to the listed benchmarks). PM has the Lexar cards as some of the fastest at 1.05 - 1.18mb per sec. but my 1 GB Lexar is disappointingly only averaging .85mb per sec.