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View Full Version : GPS PROGRAMS FOR PPC's

01-28-2005, 08:40 AM
Hey Everyone,

It's been a while since I have been here on the boards. I was wondering if any new GPS programs have come out to be used with a PPC. I have an HP 2215 and a Delorme USB GPS device that I have wired up tp my PPC. I really have never used it. Never really had the patience to figure out how the GPS program(s) worked. I do have Delorme's PPC GPS software but didn't know if there was something out there that was EASIER to use. Someone once pointed me to a program that listed maps for the entire country, all in like 1 mb of a file size. I forget the name of it. I wasn't sure if that could be used with the GPS device. If there has been a newly developed GPS program out there that beats Delorme, PLEASE let me know. I am getting antsy to get my GPS up and running.



Sven Johannsen
01-28-2005, 04:35 PM
1) How are you hooking a USB GPS to a 2215?

2) The only program I know of that has the whole US in a single file is NaviRover, http://www.universalgis.com/products_services_naviRover.htm, and it is 5M, has to be in RAM, and hasn't figured out we are past PPC2002 yet.

3) If you have the latest Delorme Streeet Atlas Handheld, take the time to learn about it. It's not a bad program. I think there was a recent review here of the DeLorme BT GPS that covered some of the features.

4) Check www.gpspassion.com for lots of options, reviews, user comments.

5) I still like Mapopolis www.mapopolis.com

01-29-2005, 05:35 AM

If you goto: http://www.thesupplynet.com/productDetail.cfm?prodID=6951 you will find some cables that will work.

Thanks for your info!