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View Full Version : help, how to recover data from SD Card

01-27-2005, 07:44 AM
is there freeware that can help recover data lost from SD card, all my data was erased only 2 files left, I think it happen at airport security scanner, when I check the SD card it still has 850mb used up, but I can only see one file with 2.23mb size and the ignore my docs file... :cry:

Iznot Gold
01-27-2005, 09:52 AM
Hi limit,
I know that this isn't freeware but it really worked for me when I lost all the photos of a wedding that were on an SD card. In fact I was amazed at what it recovered from the card including long deleated pictures.
Recover My Files: -
However I don't recall paying $67 for it more like £20 but that was some time ago.....& I've only ever used it once!

I did trial a few of these data recovery products and there was quite a difference between then in what they were able to recover, the above was significantly better than anything else I tried. There is a trial version available, it will only allow you to save a limited amount but it will give you a good indication of what is recoverable on the card.


01-27-2005, 10:10 AM
I'm not sure...but i read somewhere or at least i think i did....that you can use your pc's restore functions ( if you have norton or any of those stuff) to undelete stuff from your sd card. But you need to have a card reader in order for your pc to see it as a separate drive. Of course I've never tested this :p

Darius Wey
01-27-2005, 10:59 AM
There's another piece of software called "Smart Recovery". None of these solutions are perfect of course, and recovering data from flash media is a lot harder than recovering data from your standard mechanical drives. No harm in trying though... ;)

01-27-2005, 04:24 PM
You might want to try Flash Retriever from http://www.infinadyne.com/flashretriever.html . It's specifically made to recover files from flash media.