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View Full Version : Memory Stick & Storage Question

01-24-2005, 09:42 PM
I am looking for a Pocket PC that I can use as a mobile storage unit for my sony digital camera.

I would like to take pictures with camera, then remove memory stick & insert into a Pocket PC & store the images while on site, then move them onto my pc when back in the office.

I know about the Flash Trax Device, but I would like the aditional functions of a pocket pc in one small unit.

Does anyone know of such a device? Or will I have to wait a while?

Thanks for now.

01-24-2005, 10:20 PM
I don't know of any PocketPC based devices that use memory stick. Since it's a proprietary format, the only PDA's I've seen that use it are the Sony Clie's (which run PalmOS), and they are discontinued in a lot of areas (just about everywhere except Japan). The newer Sony/Ericsson smart phones (which run a Symbian based OS I believe) might have a memory stick slot as well, but nothing running PocketPC. There might be some "convertors" which allow you to use a memory stick in a CF or maybe even an SD slot, but I don't know of any offhand.

01-24-2005, 11:06 PM
if you have a PPC with a CF slot you could get a memory stick to cf card.


Mark Kenepp
01-25-2005, 12:15 AM
Like the others said, there is not a Pocket PC that accepts memory stick. A CF adapter like the one mentioned by 24va would be your only bet.

Keep in mind that your memory stick will likely have a much larger capacity than would be available natively on your pocket PC. My iPaq 2115 has 64 megs of RAM and with the current lot of programs and documents loaded, I have about 20 megs available for storage. Even if you get a Pocket PC with 128 megs (or get a memory upgrade), you are still at most matching the capacity of a 128 memory stick. If you purchased a duel slot Pocket PC (CF and SD) then you could use a CF adapter and transfer the images from the Memory Stick to an SD card. Then you would, of course, would need to purchase a larger capacity SD card.

Why not just get additional memory sticks?

01-25-2005, 12:32 AM

Get a pocketpc with USB host AND this adaptor, and a USB hard drive like the Ipod or IRiver IHP 120 music player.

Then simply copy straight from the MS to the hard drive, while being able to manipulate and preview the pictures, even transmit over wifi or bluetooth/gprs.

May I suggest the Loox 720 ;)



01-25-2005, 09:55 AM
You have given me more options to think about.

I did think about more memory sticks, however the amount i would need would be stupid amount of money.

The thought of one simple device like a pocket pc, that could act as a storage & e-mail device whilst traveling abroad on a motorcycle where space is limited was the main appeal.

Maybe what I am after has not yet been invented!

01-25-2005, 01:30 PM
Whats your budget for this solution? The main problem really is storage i.e. where will you keep the pictures you decide to keep. If the trip is going to be a few weeks you will have a few gigabytes of pictures, in which case a hard drive is essential. Also in europe GPRS data is quite expensive, unless you are talking wifi.

Also, what do you have already. If you have e.g. a 512 Mb SD card, you could get a dual slot wifi pocketpc, copy your pics using that ms adaptor onto the sd card, and then transmit the best pics to your home pc via wifi.

If you have an ipod already or something similar, you should have enough space to copy your pics onto there for storage. A pocketpc is still good for previewing and sending to a blog or e-mail via GPRS or wifi.


01-25-2005, 01:35 PM
The thought of one simple device like a pocket pc, that could act as a storage & e-mail device whilst traveling abroad on a motorcycle where space is limited was the main appeal.

For this, PPC is perfect. Most pic viewer apps support sending via E-mail; Spb Imageer also direct Web upload. You can also use local FTP clients to upload images to any FTP/WEB server you have an account at. (HTTP/FTP uploads have almsot no overhead because of the lack of the ASCII conversion, unlike SMTP.)

01-25-2005, 02:40 PM
I know this doesn't use a PPC but this is a rockin solution -


Of course you then have to buy a HDD to go into it but I have always loved the concept.

And it accepts many types of media.

01-25-2005, 02:59 PM
I know this doesn't use a PPC but this is a rockin solution -


Of course you then have to buy a HDD to go into it but I have always loved the concept.

And it accepts many types of media.

X-Drive Pro isn't bad and is pretty cheap, just like other image tanks. I also recommend checking out the DPReview forum at http://forums.dpreview.com/forums/forum.asp?forum=1023 on this subject - almost all the available image tanks are discussed there.

01-26-2005, 06:39 PM
You have given me more options to think about.

I did think about more memory sticks, however the amount i would need would be stupid amount of money.

The thought of one simple device like a pocket pc, that could act as a storage & e-mail device whilst traveling abroad on a motorcycle where space is limited was the main appeal.

Maybe what I am after has not yet been invented!
look into Roadstor.....
This company made a bunch of sd/cf reader with hard drives in them....press a button and voila the whole CF/SD card was added to the hard drive.
They even made one where you could burn them to CD...mail the CD home.... :mrgreen:
