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01-21-2005, 08:55 PM
Is it possible to have a PPC sync from one computer and synch in calendar and contacts but at another computer sync in a totally different calendar and contact and keep them seperated?

I am using my PPC more and more for work but I don't want to get my work contacts mixed in with my personal contacts. As well scheduling work and home would be easier with seperate calendars.

01-21-2005, 09:48 PM
this can be done very easily
fire up AS from menu select tools -> options
select contacts and hit settings button
there you will find a radio button saying "synchronize only those contacts in the following selected categories"
of course you have to categorize your contacts befoure. say you categorize as personal and work, then select personal at home and work at work.
simple, isnt it

01-22-2005, 12:39 AM
I guess if I used catergories it would seem simple. Also I want them seperated on the PPC I.E. like 2 contact lists and 2 calendars.

01-22-2005, 05:55 AM
In Agenda Fusion you can go into the Calendar or Contacts page and just filter by category. In your case; personal, work, or ALL. If that's not good enough, maybe what you need are two PPC's.

01-22-2005, 06:34 AM
Okay since I have never used catergories in my life is there a way to make it so everything within outlook comes in or is created in a specific catergory so I don't have to assign the catergory each time something is created? Like a global setting I can put in place it seems like its alot more work keeping everything in catergories just to sync to 2 different places.

01-22-2005, 06:13 PM
Okay since I have never used catergories in my life is there a way to make it so everything within outlook comes in or is created in a specific catergory so I don't have to assign the catergory each time something is created? Like a global setting I can put in place it seems like its alot more work keeping everything in catergories just to sync to 2 different places.

It's really not that big of a deal to use categories. When you create a task or contact, you just click the category and that's it.

I have the same issue as you. I want everything to go to my home computer, but only want work-related issues to go to my computer at work. I just configure my Active Sync at work to sync the tasks and contacts in my "Work" categories. I just created all the different categories I would need when I first got Agenda Fusion. It probably took two minutes and it helps tremendously.