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View Full Version : Constantly Check for Email

01-15-2005, 06:57 PM
I just got the imate JAM, and wow, this is amazing. I couldn't figure something out though... Is there a way to constantly check for email while I'm connected to GPRS? I don't like having to open Outlook on my PPC and click "send and receive" every time I want to see if I have any email... I just want it to act like text messages - it alerts me when I have new email the second I receive it.

One more thing, actually... Every time I connect it to my PC, ActiveSync takes over and cancels the GPRS connection and replaces it with my computer's connection. Then if I disconnect it from my computer, I have to start up the GPRS connection all over again. Is there a way to automatically connect to GPRS after I remove it from ActiveSync? Or, better yet, not use my PC's internet connection at all when connected to ActiveSync? It also disconnects from my GPRS connection whenever I make a call or receive a call.. Kinda frustrating.

I'd really appreciate the answers to any of these questions. Thanks in advance!

Matt Kitchen
01-17-2005, 05:51 AM
What you want is called "push" email. In order to achieve this you need to use a Microsoft Exchange server. You might have one of these at your work place - if not you can purchase an Exchange account for around $10 a month (give or take $3). You then set-up activesync to basically sync with this remote account. Once you do so once, it then gives you the option to sync as new things come in.

www.clubimate.com supposedly gives you one of these accounts - well they do actually, but i have yet to get theirs to work fully well. It is very spotty, but man, when it works it is pretty darn sweet.

Hope that helps.

03-27-2005, 01:58 AM
You should be able to get email from your ISP or regular email providor as long as it's your own account. Corporate networks are a bit more tricky. I own an SX56 and have email accounts set up for hotmail and my internet provider and soon as anyone sends me email I receive it on my phone. You must be connected to GPRS constantly but you can set up the synchronization for every 15 minutes, 20 minutes, or whatever interval you want.

03-27-2005, 09:56 AM
You can do it free with the builtin Messaging (formerly inbox). Do the following:

1. Open Messaging
2. Click Accounts menu, then accounts
3. Click your email account (eg. Mine is just called POP3)
4. Click next THREE times
5. Click Options
6. Tick "Connect and Check for messages every:" and specify the time interval (I use every 3 mins) and connection (whichever your GPRS is listed in).

I recommend that you dial the connection manually, so that it doesn't disconnect and reconnect for each check. That way it remains on constantly (unless a call is received). I turn the feature on during the day, and offf when I get home. You can also power the PPC off (aka. push the power button) and it will keep the connection and still check your emails. You can also have MSN Messenger logged on constantly, and be alerted when people come online or send you a message.

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