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View Full Version : Freepaq Reviews Kung-Global iPAQ 2215 Grips

Janak Parekh
01-14-2005, 08:00 PM
<div class='os_post_top_link'><a href='http://www.freepaq.com/index.php?redirect=/bons/affichetest.php?testid=150' target='_blank'>http://www.freepaq.com/index.php?re....php?testid=150</a><br /><br /></div><i>"Thanks to these carbon grips you give another look to your pocket PC by giving it much esthetics, of elegance and this by changing with several colors. You will adapt your Pocket PC so that it is in phase with its environment. Only small problem, it is that it is necessary to be careful with the other accessories that you use with your Pocket PC in contact with these grips. In the test of resistance, there is a negative point, it is that a prolonged and repetitive friction with some other matters deteriorates and do visible marks."</i><br /><br /><img src="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/images/web/2003/parekh-20050114-FreepaqGrips.jpg" /><br /><br />While the English translation isn't perfect, the photo review tells all. ;) If you've been looking for side grip alternatives for your iPAQ 2215, here's an article to check out.

01-14-2005, 08:10 PM
Its great that additional grips are now available, but I am perfectly happy with the PPCTechs metal grips. They add finger mold type places, and they do not have a problem with 'a prolonged and repetitive friction with some other matters deteriorates and do visible marks' 8O . They hold up fine and look good as new after many months and rough usage. I will keep an open mind though and will wait for user reviews before reaching a decision.

01-14-2005, 08:24 PM
Think I'll stick with my PPCTech grips as well. These are cheeper.. :? But PPCTech's screw on!

01-14-2005, 08:26 PM
I'll stick to my red hot, PPCTECHS grips as well. :)

01-14-2005, 09:33 PM
if these Kung-Global grips were on the market a year ago they would have done much better. As it is, PPCTechs is a tough act to follow. I still get lots of good comments about my 2215 with the blue metal PPCTechs grips.

01-15-2005, 02:27 AM
I got these replacement grips a couple of months ago (I was going to give in and get the PPCTech grips but happen onto these). I must say they are great. :D The feel that isn't as soft as the original, but still give that non-slip feel/feature. I highly recommend them if you either need to replace or want an alternative to the PPCTech grips.

BTW They don't screw in, but they are very securely attached. Infact they are a bit hard to remove if/when you want to switch. I would attributte that to the materal they are made of (i.e. not the cheap plastic HP used).