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View Full Version : New Ebook Reading List At KnowBetter.com: The Real Bestsellers Of 2004

Jay Hartman
01-14-2005, 01:13 AM
Let's face it...if you're a New York publishing house with thousands of dollars at your disposal to throw at marketing your ebook titles (and, quite frankly, that money is thrown at marketing the print versions and ebook sales happen as a result), is it any wonder that the bestselling ebooks of 2004 are all pretty much from the same three or four big publishers? Likewise, do you really get an accurate picture of everything that sells well for a given year when you only ask three or four retail outlets for their numbers? We here at KnowBetter don't think that paints a very accurate portrait, so we decided to go to the sources themselves: the publishers. We emailed every publisher that has listings on KnowBetter (and some who don't) and asked them to tell us their bestselling title of 2004. Below is that list from a variety of independent publishers (and one notable exception) from Abintra Press to Zumaya Publications and everything in between. You're likely to discover a publisher, author or title on our list that you've never heard of, proving once again that sometimes bigger isn't always better, and large publishers aren't the only ones with bestselling titles. Who knows? You may just discover something you'll think should be a bestseller in itself.

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