01-13-2005, 03:47 PM
I've had a Pocket PC for just over 2 years now. This is the original XDA running Pocket PC 2002 Phone Edition. I've never been able to sync the Calendar with my Desktop PC and have usually had an error message something like "The MAVSYNC.INF file is missing", or at least "The MAVsomething.INF file is missing". I don't know why a calendar should sync with Outlook anyway and I only have Outlook Express in any case. My Desktop PC OS is Windows Me, but was Windows 98 when I first had the Pocket PC. I upgraded my version of Activesync several days ago, but I thought it was to 3.7, not 3.8. What follows is from a message I recently sent to Microsoft as part of the 2 free support questions I'm allowed for Microsoft Money 2005 (for Desktop PC).
"Early on I was very frustrated that the only Budget or Financial planning software provided was Pocket Excel. I was used to using MS Money. I had never used the Desktop version of Excel and eventually bought a second hand manual which included Excel so I could find out how to use it.
The ideal way to keep track of your finances is to input them directly onto a PDA, instead of using a notebook and pen, then waiting until you get round to typing them into MS Money or whatever on a Desktop PC, because there will either be a delay or it may never ever get done.
Now, after all this time, I've just come across the book "How To Do Everything With Your Pocket PC Third Edition" by Frank McPherson, published by McGraw Hill Osborne, ISBN 0-07-222979-9 which revealed to me that you supplied a version of Money with previous versions of the OS! All I needed to do, if I'd known was download Money for Pocket PC from www.microsoft.com , but this is the first I've heard of it from anywhere! The lack of this software on my Pocket PC has probably cost me thousands of Pounds, because I was on the move trying to buy a new home and didn't even have accesss to my Desktop PC for a period of several months. During this time, as well as at other times, I kept writing down expenses in a paper notebook with a pen, because that's easy. If I'd had a version of Money for my Pocket PC, then I'd have used that instead.
After downloading the latest version of Money for the Pocket PC, I was looking forward to syncing it with MS Money 2005 (105-00495, SE289852, ORIGIN: IRELAND 13-09-04) on my Desktop PC, but as you may have guessed, I can't sync the two versions.
My Pocket PC is an XDA with 32Mb internal RAM and I've added a 64Mb SDRAM storage card. I originally installed Money for Pocket PC onto the Storage card, but I've now reinstalled it onto internal RAM and it still won't sync. I haven't entered any data into Money for Pocket PC as advised. I've just upgraded to the latest version of Activesync from your site, but it doesn't make any difference. When I first tried to sync the two versions of Money, I hadn't made any entries since November 2004, but after making some entries dated January 5, 2005, even these didn't appear on my Pocket PC. Even my account names from my Desktop PC haven't appeared on my Pocket PC. I'm also concerned that I can't see how I can add a Memo in Money for Pocket PC, which would mean that I'd only have a record of where I spent the money, not what I spent it on."
The reply from Microsoft said -
"Dear Paul,
Thank you for your e-mail,
Select to synchronize with the new file
1. In ActiveSync, please click Tools > Options.
2. Highlight Money and click Settings.
3. Click Browes and navigate to the new Money data file on the Desktop computer.
Please try the steps and let me know the results.
Thanks and best regards,
(his name was here)
Microsoft Product Support Services
Microsoft Contact Centre (UK): 0870 60 10 100
Microsoft Contact Centre (Ireland): 1 850 940940
We pride ourselves at Microsoft on delivering an excellent service and we trust
that you are Very Satisfied with the service you have received. If you have any
feedback about my work or your support experience, please send your comments and
suggestions to my manager and the UK Management team by e-
mailing mailto:[email protected]?subject=Attention_of_Larena_Derham"
As you've probably guessed, I wasn't able to take the action he told me to. What happened was that the Settings option for Money wasn't there. Unforuntunately, now I seem to have changed something and Money doesn't even appear in Activesync! Apart from this, there is no checkbox for Calendar now.
Microsoft have now replied again, saying they expected me to reply to let them know what happened. I don't know what to say, because I don't want to use up my only remaining chance of free help. Any additional request for help would cost about 2.5 times as much as Money 2005 (for Desktop PC), so why should I bother?
I hope someone here can help me.
"Early on I was very frustrated that the only Budget or Financial planning software provided was Pocket Excel. I was used to using MS Money. I had never used the Desktop version of Excel and eventually bought a second hand manual which included Excel so I could find out how to use it.
The ideal way to keep track of your finances is to input them directly onto a PDA, instead of using a notebook and pen, then waiting until you get round to typing them into MS Money or whatever on a Desktop PC, because there will either be a delay or it may never ever get done.
Now, after all this time, I've just come across the book "How To Do Everything With Your Pocket PC Third Edition" by Frank McPherson, published by McGraw Hill Osborne, ISBN 0-07-222979-9 which revealed to me that you supplied a version of Money with previous versions of the OS! All I needed to do, if I'd known was download Money for Pocket PC from www.microsoft.com , but this is the first I've heard of it from anywhere! The lack of this software on my Pocket PC has probably cost me thousands of Pounds, because I was on the move trying to buy a new home and didn't even have accesss to my Desktop PC for a period of several months. During this time, as well as at other times, I kept writing down expenses in a paper notebook with a pen, because that's easy. If I'd had a version of Money for my Pocket PC, then I'd have used that instead.
After downloading the latest version of Money for the Pocket PC, I was looking forward to syncing it with MS Money 2005 (105-00495, SE289852, ORIGIN: IRELAND 13-09-04) on my Desktop PC, but as you may have guessed, I can't sync the two versions.
My Pocket PC is an XDA with 32Mb internal RAM and I've added a 64Mb SDRAM storage card. I originally installed Money for Pocket PC onto the Storage card, but I've now reinstalled it onto internal RAM and it still won't sync. I haven't entered any data into Money for Pocket PC as advised. I've just upgraded to the latest version of Activesync from your site, but it doesn't make any difference. When I first tried to sync the two versions of Money, I hadn't made any entries since November 2004, but after making some entries dated January 5, 2005, even these didn't appear on my Pocket PC. Even my account names from my Desktop PC haven't appeared on my Pocket PC. I'm also concerned that I can't see how I can add a Memo in Money for Pocket PC, which would mean that I'd only have a record of where I spent the money, not what I spent it on."
The reply from Microsoft said -
"Dear Paul,
Thank you for your e-mail,
Select to synchronize with the new file
1. In ActiveSync, please click Tools > Options.
2. Highlight Money and click Settings.
3. Click Browes and navigate to the new Money data file on the Desktop computer.
Please try the steps and let me know the results.
Thanks and best regards,
(his name was here)
Microsoft Product Support Services
Microsoft Contact Centre (UK): 0870 60 10 100
Microsoft Contact Centre (Ireland): 1 850 940940
We pride ourselves at Microsoft on delivering an excellent service and we trust
that you are Very Satisfied with the service you have received. If you have any
feedback about my work or your support experience, please send your comments and
suggestions to my manager and the UK Management team by e-
mailing mailto:[email protected]?subject=Attention_of_Larena_Derham"
As you've probably guessed, I wasn't able to take the action he told me to. What happened was that the Settings option for Money wasn't there. Unforuntunately, now I seem to have changed something and Money doesn't even appear in Activesync! Apart from this, there is no checkbox for Calendar now.
Microsoft have now replied again, saying they expected me to reply to let them know what happened. I don't know what to say, because I don't want to use up my only remaining chance of free help. Any additional request for help would cost about 2.5 times as much as Money 2005 (for Desktop PC), so why should I bother?
I hope someone here can help me.