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View Full Version : internet via bluetooth

01-11-2005, 02:22 AM
ok, i have a cadmus bluetooth adapter on my desktop pc, and a pocket pc h2210

I want to connect to the internet via bluetooth

here is a pic of my internet connections


ps: ive already seen the tutorials on geektools and they dont work

gift for the person who can get me online! :D

01-11-2005, 03:31 AM
If the PC has ActiveSync on it, you can use the Pass Through feature over a bluetooth sync. To get bluetooth activesync, enable the bluetooth serial port using the software with your bluetooth adapter. In activesync, go to File->Connection Settings, and check "allow serial connections" or something like that. Select the COM port that your bluetooth software made for you to use as your bluetooth serial port (it should be COM 4 or something like that). Now, you need to make the settings on your Pocket PC. You will need to have a Partnership in ActiveSync before you do this. Under bluetooth manager on your Pocket PC, there should be a "new" button. Click it, and it should ask what kind of new connection you want. There should be one for bluetooth ActiveSync. Select your PC with ActiveSync, and try it out! If you get a connection to ActiveSync, you should get Internet on your Pocket PC!

PS: The pass through setting is under Tools->Options and the Rules tab. Hope this works for you!

Darius Wey
01-11-2005, 03:33 AM
Are you running Windows XP SP2? If so, follow the steps I've outlined here. (http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?p=315943#315943) Of course, what you'll need to do is enable your internet connection to share over the BT network which you can enable by right-clicking your internet connection, and enabling the relevant options in the Advanced tab.

Of course, a few more details would really help me get you up and running - e.g. OS, what BT drivers you are using, etc.

Another method is to work through an Internet Pass-Through connection if you synchronise your device via Bluetooth. You can enable this by opening ActiveSync on your PC, clicking Tools > Options, then the Rules tab, and selecting The Internet in the Pass-Through drop-down box.

EDIT: Or just follow what marcm said who beat me to the Submit button by 2 minutes. ;)

01-11-2005, 08:10 AM
ok, the active sync thing works (thank you!) but after about 5 minutes of use, it disconects and active sync shuts down and says its cant connect with the bluetooth adapter on my computer.

When i go to re-open the bluetooth manager on my pocket pc, it says that the "bluetooth radio" cannot be connected and a normal reset needs to be done

is there a way i can fix this??

01-11-2005, 12:52 PM
Hmm... I'm not exactly sure why it's doing that. It has never done it to me. Maybe the "normal reset" is a soft reset? Try soft resetting your device and then try it. Also, maybe it means you don't have enough program memory, but I'm not sure... :?

Darius Wey
01-12-2005, 03:16 AM
ok, the active sync thing works (thank you!) but after about 5 minutes of use, it disconects and active sync shuts down and says its cant connect with the bluetooth adapter on my computer.

When i go to re-open the bluetooth manager on my pocket pc, it says that the "bluetooth radio" cannot be connected and a normal reset needs to be done

is there a way i can fix this??

Check to see if you have enough available memory. Also, try a soft-reset to see if that solves the situation. The Bluetooth Manager seems to have some erratic memory issues on some devices - I'm not sure if the h2210 is one of them, but I'll investigate that in the near future.

Also, what is the range between your Pocket PC and PC? Perhaps you suffered a connection dropout?