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View Full Version : Copy a SIM card?

01-02-2005, 05:15 AM
Anyone know of a place in Orange County, CA where I can get a copy of a SIM card made? I do alot of cycling and would like to use a smaller phone without having to keep taking the SIM card out. Thanks!

Brad Adrian
01-02-2005, 05:47 AM
Is that legally possible? Like you, I've got a couple of phones I use under different conditions and hate switching the card all the time. Of course, the story I get from the carrier is that you can't legally copy a SIM.

Darius Wey
01-02-2005, 05:50 AM
I don't think it's legal. Besides, if you're phone is linked to the SIM card, the phone companies can easily keep tracking of different IMEI numbers, and that would present a problem.

01-02-2005, 10:28 AM
In the case of Fido and Rogers (Cdn. providers), there is no coding on the handset...you can switch from one handset to another with little trouble.

The trouble is that SIM card's are hard wire coded with serial # codes. You can't switch or copy them around. If a SIM dies your provider has to re-code your account to a new SIM. No two SIM can be the same.

Easier? get a cheap pay as you go phone for some basic use.

01-04-2005, 03:05 AM
Good idea on the disposable phone. My situation is this... I do alot of cycling so that's why I take a smaller phone with me. I really don't want to take my XDA II mini and crash on it. So, if I take a smaller phone with a different SIM and phone number (as I've been doing). If I miss a call and then return it while I'm out, that person sees a different CLID show up. Oh well, I'm just venting... doesn't look like there's really any solution.