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View Full Version : Hello all, just a question about installing apps on storage card

01-01-2005, 11:38 AM
Hello all newbie here :wink: .

I install a lot of applications onto my iPAQ 1915s Storage card, but the thing that greatly annoys me is that the programs are just directly on the storage card. I want them to be like on the storage card then in the folder storage card programs.

Does anyone know how to do this? May it be that you need to install another application? Or can you maybe in the registry edit the default storage card install directory?



01-01-2005, 12:11 PM
Hello all newbie here :wink: .

I install a lot of applications onto my iPAQ 1915s Storage card, but the thing that greatly annoys me is that the programs are just directly on the storage card. I want them to be like on the storage card then in the folder storage card programs.

Does anyone know how to do this? May it be that you need to install another application? Or can you maybe in the registry edit the default storage card install directory?



A solution to this problem is using, for example, CabInstall. It allows you specify the target directory you want to install your program to. It's a client-based tool, so a bit more complicated to use than ActiveSync-based installers on the desktop, but still a viable option.

AFAIK there is no general registry hack for card-based default Program Files-directory-declaration.

Darius Wey
01-02-2005, 03:43 AM
A solution to this problem is using, for example, CabInstall. It allows you specify the target directory you want to install your program to. It's a client-based tool, so a bit more complicated to use than ActiveSync-based installers on the desktop, but still a viable option.

There's a way around this all. I'm assuming you used ActiveSync to install programs onto your Storage Card? First of all, if possible, see if you can lay your hands on the CAB file. Not all developers release it in this format, but if you can get your hands on it, get it and use CabInstl to install the application to \Storage Card\Program Files\abcdefg, etc. Now, if you're stuck in the situation where you can't get your hands on the CAB file, you still can! Run the desktop installer program, and let it install its files on to the desktop and run the ActiveSync installer. When the pop-up appears asking whether you would like to install the application, click Cancel. Now if you open up My Computer and navigate to the Program Files folder, you may see the CAB files appear in either \Program Files\Microsoft ActiveSync or even in its own folder, e.g. \Program Files\<Company Name>. All you need to do is select the CAB file of interest (some are tagged as ARM, which is what you would need), copy it over to your Pocket PC using the ActiveSync browser, then run CabInstl on the Pocket PC to direct it to a folder of your liking. It's not the easiest of work-arounds for dedicated-desktop installers, but it still works.

01-02-2005, 10:38 AM
And there is a third, this is a guide written by Gerard. I haven't used it yet.


01-02-2005, 06:58 PM
Wow thanks everyone, ille give that a try now :D.

Another question; does anyone know of any good, free and reliable pocket pc overclocking app? Like clear speed or pocket hack master. but it must be free
