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View Full Version : Ipaq 4150 and Cingular help

12-28-2004, 09:09 PM
I'm looking at getting the Motorola v551 phone and Cingular
service with the MediaWorks add on with unlimited data.

Couple of questions, I have only browsed with wi-fi before, so what
kind of performance should I expect?

I've been reading that tethering is not supported and that if you do to much you can get charged more. What is considered too much? How
many website visits make up a meg?

Any pros or cons I should be aware of?

Is the EDGE capability of this phone going to help with tethering?

Any advice is appreciated,


12-28-2004, 09:18 PM
How many website visits make up a meg?

Check out http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=35891 exactly on this subject.

12-28-2004, 11:16 PM
thanks, although i guess i don't know how much browsing I'll actually be doing while tethered until I actually get it.

But can you do things like check auctions on ebay and actually make bids?

Can you use AIM from your PDA? or would you still have to use AIM if its on the phone?

Darius Wey
12-29-2004, 04:03 AM
thanks, although i guess i don't know how much browsing I'll actually be doing while tethered until I actually get it.

GPRS Monitor (http://www.spbsoftwarehouse.com/products/gprsmonitor/?en) is good for keeping track of how much you've downloaded.

Can you use AIM from your PDA? or would you still have to use AIM if its on the phone?

You can use it from your PDA. Here's (http://www.aim.com/get_aim/win_ce/latest_wince.adp) a link.

01-04-2005, 10:19 PM
The Media plans(wireless Internet express) offered by Cingular/ATT don't support Internet access via a PDA or Laptop through the use of a bluetooth or USB connection and your cell phone.

With these Media plans you can ONLY access the Internet via the phone's browser and only websites written in WAP (wireless application protocol) which is a Internet language specifically tailored for the display limitations of WAP enabled wireless devices(cell phones).

If you want to be able to access the REAL Internet wirelessly with your PDA or laptop and your cell phone (V551) you will need to add a DATA Plan. Data plans start (online) at $29.99 for 10MB. However, I think you can get a 5MB plan for $19.99 plus an activation fee $30+

Speeds of EDGE/GPRS are 9600Bps and maybe 14400Bps slow yes but with a PDA and websites optimized for Pocket Internet Explorer not bad.


01-07-2005, 12:28 PM
Speeds of EDGE/GPRS are 9600Bps and maybe 14400Bps slow yes but with a PDA and websites optimized for Pocket Internet Explorer not bad.Cheers

Actually it is faster than this. CSD (a circuit switched connection, like a dialup) is 9.6 to 14.4Kbps. GPRS connections are around 48Kbps and EDGE around 120Kbps.

01-10-2005, 02:12 AM
The Media plans(wireless Internet express) offered by Cingular/ATT don't support Internet access via a PDA or Laptop through the use of a bluetooth or USB connection and your cell phone.

Sorry, but this too is incorrect, I browse, send and receive email, IM, and send SMS, using my Cingular phone and both my PPC and my PalmOS PDA, using Bluetooth.
I am a Media subscriber, and have been doing all of the above for more than a year.

02-26-2005, 08:51 AM
Well then I guess the Cingular techs are wrong 8O. I picked up the V551 this morning and told the rep that I needed more (much more ) than the 4MB Data Plan I had on my old AT&T contract. He sold me the MediaWorks Plan (unlimited) for $29.95. Back at the office I spent two hours trying to get my PDA to connect (bonding was no problem) through the V551. After a half hour wait I finally got to talk to a tech who explained that Media Works would not allow access through my PDA. I needed a Data Plan. He set me up with the 20MB / $39.95 Plan. There is also a plan for $59.95 (don't remember size) and unlimited for $79.95. As soon as he changed my account I was on the Internet. :D