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View Full Version : GPS for the H2215

12-23-2004, 12:58 PM
OK, I am having no real luck finding the answer to my question.
Hopefully somebody can help me out.
This is more of a hardware question but any help on software is also appreciated.

I have the Ipaq H2215 and one thing that I want to use it for is a GPS.
I do want the ability to use it for street directions when driving but I am still leaning towards the CF or SD plug in device rather than the bluetooth brick because I will also want to use it when hiking.

I have run across what I suppose are generic solutions for the SD and CF plug in GPS units on Ebay.
The trouble is that I am not real sure what I am supposed to be looking for in a card.
In addition to that, while the generics state that they are compliant with software like Tom Tom, when I go to the Tom Tom software site, they state that they do not fully support a CF or SD card type GPS.

And, just to add a little more confusion, I have also heard that the SD or CF card GPS units might not work that well in a car.

Is there a real difference in the different SD and CF cards or is the difference more in the software?

Do a lot of the generic devices work as well as name brand as long as they are spec compliant..(like a USB hub), or is there a real difference (like a motherboard)?

Is there that much of a difference in the SD or CF cards against the bluetooth bricks in a car?

And does Tom Tom work better than I think it does with these cards OR should I be looking at software like Delorme, etc?

Thanks for any help on this.

12-23-2004, 02:41 PM
I am still leaning towards the CF or SD plug in device rather than the bluetooth brick because I will also want to use it when hiking.

Very few (older) models (like the Fortuna GPSmart; http://www.pocketgps.co.uk/gpsmart.php) are like "bricks". ALL the other BT receivers are really small - like two matchboxes stacked together.

I have run across what I suppose are generic solutions for the SD and CF plug in GPS units on Ebay.
The trouble is that I am not real sure what I am supposed to be looking for in a card.
In addition to that, while the generics state that they are compliant with software like Tom Tom, when I go to the Tom Tom software site, they state that they do not fully support a CF or SD card type GPS.

That's not really true (must be some kind of standard disclaimer so that users can't sue the firm). As CF/SD GPS units communicate with standardized protocols, AFAIK ALL are compliant with TomTom. Actually, I've used my Pretec CF GPS card (before I sold it, due to the intolerably high power consumption) with TomTom.

And, just to add a little more confusion, I have also heard that the SD or CF card GPS units might not work that well in a car.

Without an external antenna, yes. If your windscreen has any kind of evaporated metal, you'll end up buying and using an external antenna.

Do a lot of the generic devices work as well as name brand as long as they are spec compliant..(like a USB hub), or is there a real difference (like a motherboard)?

Is there that much of a difference in the SD or CF cards against the bluetooth bricks in a car?

If you ONLY want to use it in the car and also plan to use a car charger for the PDA, the CF/SD-based CF receivers are a viable alternative to BT units. If you want to do real hikings without any external power, I'd certainly go for BT models to avoid power problems and/or lugging around secondary/external batteries.

And does Tom Tom work better than I think it does with these cards OR should I be looking at software like Delorme, etc?

TomTom works with ANY card/ BT unit.

12-23-2004, 05:47 PM
First off ...
Thanks so much for the info Menneisyys.

I do have one more question however.

If I go with the bluetooth model....I understand that it would be on the dash during the time I am driving.

Where would it be when I am hiking?
Can I put it in my pocket?
Would it still function? Would I have to give up on the idea of more children due to radiation?...LOL

And lastly..would any bluetooth model (generic or otherwise) be about the same...with the real difference in the software...or is there a real difference in hardware?
If so...what hardware is reccomended?

Thanks again

12-23-2004, 08:41 PM
When I first thought about GPS for my Hp2210 I was thinking CF... but after some serious consideration I realized that the Bluetooth solution was a better one for a number of reasons...

First it free's up a CF slot, it does not draw any power for your device... it has its own power supply... rated higher than your PocketPC... I have a Pharos and I believe it is good for 6 hours... or there about. Since the Bluetooth range is between 20 - 30 feet... it can be anywhere inthe car as long as it has access to the sky. It does not work well in a building...

For things like the outdoors... you should be able to just slip the receiver in your pocket or backpack... as long as it is in an outside pouch it should be ok. The receiver itself is just the part that locates you... you are not married to any specific application. Mine came with Ostia... but I am using Mapopolis...

Hope this helps...

12-23-2004, 08:59 PM
If I go with the bluetooth model....I understand that it would be on the dash during the time I am driving.

Depends on your windscreen. You may end up buying an external antenna (doesn't cost much tho) for it too, depending on whether any metal is evaporated on the windscreen.

Where would it be when I am hiking?
Can I put it in my pocket?

It may work there too (but not guaraneteed). Most people put them in a pocket in their caps (they're so small) or in their shirt pocket so that almost nothing blocks the sky.

Would it still function? Would I have to give up on the idea of more children due to radiation?...LOL

Nope, they do not radiate at all (there is no radioation "back" to the satellites), except for Bluetooth, but that's 1 mW only at most. COmpare that to the 40-50 mW of Wi-Fi or sometimes 0.5W of GSM, or, for that matter, 2W of home wireless phones...

And lastly..would any bluetooth model (generic or otherwise) be about the same...with the real difference in the software...or is there a real difference in hardware?

You can use any SW with them. (Of course, they may differ in the bundled SW)

If so...what hardware is reccomended?

There're quite a few cool GPS forums out there - check out e.g. http://www.google.fi/search?hl=fi&q=gps+forum&meta= . I recommend joining them.