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View Full Version : Crazy Random Holiday Giveaways

Jason Dunn
12-22-2004, 07:06 PM
Ok gang, here's the bad news: we're not going to do a January 1st giveaway. Doing it manually nearly killed us, and I've been trying all year to find a developer to help me develop an automated contest script to make it easier. A few started, but all bailed on me, so now I'm talking to a professional development company about getting it created (which I'll have to pay for), but it won't be ready in time for January 1st.<br /><br />The good news, to ease the weeping and gnashing of teeth going on right now, is that I have a few prizes that I can give away in this holiday season, but it will be a very random, ad-hoc giveaway because I don't have time for anything else. :mrgreen: The rules will be pretty simple: both subscribers and non-subscribers can enter by posting responses to the thread. In some cases, the first post will win, in other cases I'll pick randomly from those that respond within a certain timeframe before I lock the thread.<br /><br />Make sure you have a valid email address configured in your <a href="http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/forums/profile.php?mode=editprofile">preferences</a> and that you have it set up to notify you of private messages. I'll be sending PM's to the winners, and you'll need to claim your prize within 14 days or you'll lose it. And remember, no whining. Fast and furious, that's the style of this contest. And please don't kill our server by hitting F5 every minute. :lol: