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View Full Version : Mem Maid problem

Stephen Beesley
12-21-2004, 11:39 PM
Okay with all this front page activity about Mem Maid I thought it was about time I gave it a try.

So I installed the trial version from Handango, but, I am obviously doing something wrong. On my Toshiba e755 I do not get the icons at the bottom of the screen. Instead all I get is the "clean" button and the "scan" button at the botom of the screen.

I have looked everywhere in the options and help for some indication of what I have missed but no joy.

Help somebody...

***** AHHH - answered my own question. Earlier today I was playing with RegKing and set the system font to Frutiger Linotype. This seems to have messed up a number of the dialog boxes etc and also seems to have been the culprit here. Solution: changed the system font back to the defualt and there are the icons!******

12-25-2004, 04:09 AM
Just checking. I got it recently and wanted to see if you are doing ok with it now.

12-25-2004, 05:34 AM
This happens if you change the default system font.
Changing the system font changes the size of all the controls which will cause some of them to be outside of the screen.
If you change the system font to its default you'll get the full MemMaid screen displayed without a problem