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View Full Version : Conflict between my ears and my Ipaq 6315

12-18-2004, 05:38 PM
Hi guys:

I am having some real trouble with talking on the phone on my iPaq 6315 and my ear. Every time I talk on the phone (I talk a lot!!!), I end up with a bunch of applications open because my ear is touching the screen and launching all sorts of things.

The one that is really killing me is when my ear "dials up" another number while I'm on the phone.

I know, there are ways around this via handsfree, but sometimes you gat a call while our Jabra is charging or when your wired headset is in the car or somewhere else.

My obvious question is: is there anyway to lock the screen while you speak, so the touchscreen with the ears will not happen?

Thanks for any advice.


12-18-2004, 05:56 PM
There are some programs that can turn the screen off (making the touchscreen inactive), but I don't know of any that leave it on yet not have it respond to touch.

PHM Pocket PC PowerToys (Screensaver) (http://www.phm.lu/Products/PocketPC/PowerToys/#Scrsaver) is free and can be assigned to a hardware button to turn off the screen.

12-19-2004, 06:55 AM
Another good reason for me to never buy a PPCPE or any phone device with a touch screen. Sorry for your dilema orinoco.

12-21-2004, 08:15 AM
Been there done that! Now I just place it in speaker mode, turn it around and place the speaker on my ear. Sounds funny doesn't but it works, give it a try and see what I mean.