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View Full Version : HP 1945 Screen

RD Evans
12-11-2004, 10:05 PM
My HP 1945 has fallen victim to the "infamous" screen crack that is widely publicized on the net. Any suggestions on where I can purchase a replacement? How hard is the install? My understanding is that HP is not standing behind this issue.

Thanks! :(

12-12-2004, 01:36 AM
Infamous..??? How does this happen... I have not heard of this happening other than someone either dropping it or sitting on it...???

RD Evans
12-12-2004, 01:53 AM
If you Google the topic you will see a number of users who have had their screens crack without any known "impact" to the unit.

Darius Wey
12-12-2004, 03:55 AM
If you Google the topic you will see a number of users who have had their screens crack without any known "impact" to the unit.

8O That's a little odd. I've never heard of it cracking on its own before. I'm sure it had to have been subjected to some sort of stress before it occurred.

Anyway, you might want to pay Pocket PC Techs (http://www.pocketpctechs.com/Services.asp?cat=rep&type=i1935) a visit.