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View Full Version : Serial Port Com

Eiji Saiki
12-11-2004, 06:38 PM
Hi, everybody.
I have a question, somebody can help?
I'm developing an program in VB.NET to run in Dell Axim, But somebody can tell me how can i creat a comunnication with a serial port COM to get signal or information and input in my strings or something like else.

And I want knwo if have a correctly setup or proceed to intall a VB.NET to denvelop in Dell AXIM ( Windows CE)
And use SDK , pocket emulator ....


01-14-2005, 05:36 AM
I have a class file I found on an MVP site that handles serial code on the desktop. The address is:


His web site has been spotty, but if you E-Mail me through the web site I'd be happy to send you the file. I was doing a project for a card swipe application and was briefly using this to read the serial data our of the stripe reader.[/url]