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View Full Version : Are there any English speaking Toshiba PPC fan sites?

Phillip Dyson
12-06-2004, 04:16 PM
I found PpcCool.com but the problem is that its in French.

I have an e830 coming and am curious to get more feedback on the device.

Jason Dunn
12-06-2004, 04:45 PM
Well, why not try out our very own Toshiba forum:



12-06-2004, 07:30 PM
I think the reason he is looking for another site is the lack of activity... I am in the same boat... I have been looking for a dedicated Toshiba site as well that is in English... There are several in French... but nothing that I could find in English... which I guess makes some sense since the Toshiba is no longer being released in the US...

Jason Dunn
12-06-2004, 08:19 PM
Can I suggest that if all the people looking for an active Toshiba site were to become active in the Toshiba forum, it would be, well, active? :mrgreen:

Or is there some component that our forum is missing? I'd love to see our forums used more for specific device users rather than people suggesting other sites...is there something we can do to improve your experience?

Phillip Dyson
12-06-2004, 10:22 PM
Well, this is not really a fault of PPCThoughts. This is still my first stop for News and discussions.

I guess its just that knowing that there are communities out there where people are already knowledgable of the product. Already solved issues and developed hacks is a bit frustrating.

Its sort of the difference between finding people in the same boat I'm in and finding a pool of wizened sages that pre-date me. :)

I have already identified that my ThinkOutside keyboard is not compatible. :cry: And I wonder if someone has found a way to make it work or another keyboard that does. Actually I'd like to know what the real issue is.

Just an example.

Perhaps so one bilingual can do a little head hunting and get those people at ppcCool.com to come over here. :devilboy:

12-06-2004, 11:56 PM
Hard question to answer... people go to different sites for different reasons... How to go about improving a board so it will draw more people...? Like I said a hard decision to answer.

Personally I have always said that a site is only as good as the people that support it... and by that I do not mean the people running the site. I mean the people that support it. I know for me Brighthand lost it flavour when a bunch of young immature adults decided to make the site their own... I found that many of those that were the most enlightened found other places to visit. It has been a slow process but it is nice to see some of these wise sages return.

A lot of the success of a site can also be attributed to the site admistrator... if he or she can provide a healthy no-combative atmosphere... Brighthand works well now because it seems that their sysops no longer take much of an active role... I only see them when there are serious issue... the forum is truly feels more open.

PPCThought is along the same lines... but I do feel that there are times where the sysops are a little to quick to act and impose their beliefs on everyone else. Not that I could give you a instance... just a general feeling.

Still PPCThoughts is a site I visit often... because of those that also visit here... its the community that makes the site... not the other way around.

12-07-2004, 01:19 AM
English speaking fans of toshiba, this is a wake up call to all of you. Start populating PPCT's Toshiba forum :)

Jason Dunn
12-07-2004, 04:38 AM
Hey, I just noticed this wasn't in the Toshiba forum! Oh the irony! ;-) I've moved it there now...

Phillip Dyson
12-07-2004, 03:23 PM
Whew! that was close.
I couldn't find the thread for a while.

Since I won't be learning French anytime soon, perhaps I will just start posting my question here and see how it goes.

As I said before, this is my prefered site for Pocket PCs.

I still visit Brighthand, probably for different reasons. Perhaps because it has that feel of the corporate journalism machine.

But PPCT is like family :mecry:

12-07-2004, 09:05 PM
Can I suggest that if all the people looking for an active Toshiba site were to become active in the Toshiba forum, it would be, well, active? :mrgreen:

Or is there some component that our forum is missing? I'd love to see our forums used more for specific device users rather than people suggesting other sites...is there something we can do to improve your experience?

This is definitely a great PPC site and I am not sure what you could do to make it better. The problem is that information regarding the e830 is very scarce (at least in English). I have wondered the same thing as sojourner753; If Toshiba owners are not congregating here, where are they congregating? Maybe nowhere, and this is what concerns me most. :cry:

I have not purchased a Toshiba, but living in Canada the e830 is available. I have been trying to decide between the Dell x50v and the e830, but the lack of reviews and user community on sites like this have made me hesitate. The great thing about forums like this is that you can learn that a bluetooth keyboard doesn’t work with your PPC before you buy it (Thanks sojourner753) :wink: . This is only one person’s experience, so I wonder what else may not work. If the dell x50v had a similar problem there would probably be multiple threads on this site discussing and analysing the problem from every angle. Maybe somebody brilliant would come up with a patch, fix, hack, or alternative, and everyone would rejoice. :D

Jason, coming back to your original question “is there something we can do to improve your experience?". I think you have done your part by providing a great website where users can exchange information freely. The rest is up to the Toshiba users, and if there are not enough Toshiba users, maybe it is time Toshiba asked the question “What can we do to build a stronger user community?”. My answer would be “Support sites like Pocket PC Thoughts!!!” (Leaving the US market didn’t help either). Give them demo units to review; provide information and support; sponsor the odd contest giveaway; create some positive buzz. I am sure I am preaching to the choir when I say some companies don’t realize how valuable sites like this are.

Jason Dunn
12-07-2004, 09:31 PM
The rest is up to the Toshiba users, and if there are not enough Toshiba users, maybe it is time Toshiba asked the question “What can we do to build a stronger user community?”. My answer would be “Support sites like Pocket PC Thoughts!!!”

And there you have it! :-) If all of you people who are looking for a Toshiba site would post questions, answer them, and get more active in this forum, I think we'd have a lively Toshiba forum in no time. :-)

Phillip Dyson
12-08-2004, 03:02 AM
I agree. {he said rolling up his sleeves}

Hopefully I won't destroy my e830 trying all the 805 and 755 hacks. :)

12-08-2004, 02:10 PM
sojourner753 let me know when you have finished all your testing, so I can go out and buy one of these with confidence :wink:

12-08-2004, 08:06 PM
Yep me too... hard to even find a review on the Toshiba e830...

sojourner753 you have until December 28th... to give us a review... I need a few days to find one before Jan 01... the last day of the $549 pricing...

02-13-2005, 05:19 AM
I am a friend of fast information. So it would be fine to collect the knowledge which were posted by items. For instance all important results to Bluetooth GPS in combination with e830. Which devices are working and a short decription how and which one do not and why ... and so on. If this is not possible or too much work, then at least a seachbar for all post should be available. :idea: