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View Full Version : OUTRAGEOUS!!!

12-06-2004, 07:46 AM
anyone wonder why on dell.com, a 1 GB SD card costs 77$ US while the same card on dell.ca costs 674 $ CDN. I know there is conversion rates, but common, the way the dollar is now, it should translate to 100 CDN.

12-06-2004, 08:17 AM
Nope that sounds about right... $77us = $674can

But not to worry I saw an add in the local Future Shop flyer... you can get a Lexar 1GB SD Card for $99can... with rebate... Or... I think Staples also had a SanDisk 1GB SD Card in their flyer... for $99can with rebate...

So it seems that the price of cards are falling... makes you wonder how much they made on the these cards before the new pricing...

12-06-2004, 01:16 PM
at first they made a killing and thought it would continue, so the mady even more, then market demand fell as people realize how rediculous it is. So now they have millions to get rid of, while people are just waiting for the next size increase.

Hence lower price. 0X

12-06-2004, 04:22 PM
I suppose it's just another example of those little nuances that dell customers find endearing...
Thanks for the info about the SD cards.